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Why did I ever think this film was boring



Hello Everybody! So the lighting in this movie… PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/ Starring: Richard Dreyfuss, François Truffaut, Teri Garr, Melinda Dillon, Bob Balaban, and J. Patrick McNamara Written by: Steven Spielberg, Matthew Robbins, Hal Barwood, and Jerry Belson Directed by: Steven Spielberg


David Wayne Fox

Hey Ollie - this was one of my FAVORITE movies as a teen growing up in a Texas suburban neighborhood very much like Roy and Ronnie's. Spielberg knew how to take the ordinary, the mundane and bring us out of that into the fantastic, and seeing this in the cinema in 1977 was an enormous experience for this 15-year old. When the mothership appears over Devil's Tower at the end, i literally lost my breath for a minute - it was a powerful experience. I find it interesting you were in such sympathy with Ronnie, and Spielberg himself says that as a family man he now looks back on this film and is sorry that he had Roy leaving his wife and family. But as a 15-year old dreamer who painted and acted in plays in school, I didn't care about Ronnie and those noisy kids. They represented the coarse, mundane side of life and in my young brain I was entirely sympathetic with Roy (Richard Dreyfuss, who yes, you saw in Jaws!). So, when Jillian, who he had the shared experience with, and he kissed, it seemed like a natural progression, though you knew that would be the only time. It seemed like almost a "thank you for being there and believing in me" kiss. Francois Truffaut (pronounced True-Foe - you were close!) is better known as a famous French film director of the 50's and 60's. Enjoy your holiday break and happy New Year!