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I love how dramatic this movie can get



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Benny Ford

You’re on point about the sketches. The writer wrote a series of short stories about his childhood and they were published in a magazine. The only thing connecting the stories in the movie is the want of the BB gun. The movie flopped in theatrical release and it didn’t take off as a rental videotape either. It found its audience when a cable TV channel played it on repeat for 24 hours on Christmas. This was at a time when there was nothing entertaining on TV on Christmas unless you liked watching sports. You could join the movie at any point and get into it. You could leave and come back and it stilled worked. I also never had an idea of when this movie was made. I was under the impression it was filmed in the 60s or 70s but would’ve never guessed 1983 by watching it. I think it was made for the entire family to watch but it never held the attention of kids young enough to believe in Santa. I was about your age when I first saw the movie but even the youngest kids know if a movie is for them or not. Pop in an animated movie and they are riveted, this movie not so much. For myself no other movie captures the childhood imagination better than Ralphie daydreaming the extreme unrealistic best way it could go or the extreme unrealistic worst way it could go. As well as all the realistic relationships with parents, siblings, friends, teachers, bullies. How Santa turns out to be the complete opposite of what Santa is supposed to be. The Wizard of Oz was always really really popular. I’m a bit taken back to hear that it no longer is popular. I’m coming to terms with it though. It will always have flying monkeys snatching up characters going for it though. The phrase my old lady or my old man was common in the old timey days. Depending on the context, my old man was a way of referring to a husband or longtime boyfriend but could also refer to a dad. I’m glad you bought the movie. I hope you watch it with loved ones this Christmas and I hope it makes it into your favorite Christmas movies over the next 10 years. Thank you for checking it out. Now hurry Christmas, hurry fast!