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Why did the inventor not just give him hands right away



Hello Everybody! Why was he forced to have scissor hands why couldn't he just have had normal hands! PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/


Raven Dark

I originally saw this movie when I was way too young to understand Tim Burton's humor, and so consequently I didn't really "get" it. But I've since seen a lot of reactions to it and now I've come to love it. So glad it's getting the recognition and love it deserves, and your heartfelt, emotional reaction puts you right up there with the best. I agree, the music in this movie is fantastic. You had mentioned that the brighter tone of suburbia shown after they leave Edward's house felt like it wasn't Tim Burton like the darker parts. Actually, I think it was, but sort of in a way that he was turning his own brand on its head. In those sequences, he was making fun of suburban life, using bright tones he doesn't like and exaggerating things because he was poking fun. The overdone and exaggerated, almost cartoonish tone are what make it feel in line with Tim Burton despite it being bright and light. As far as why the inventor didn't give Edward hands right away, I didn't understand that either, but I think now I do, having noticed something this time that I didn't see before. During the scene where the inventor is tutoring him, if you watch carefully, you can see the one picture book with the wind blowing the pages so that you see different stages of Edward's creation in development. There are a few early pictures of him where he has the rounded mechanical body that is like the other machines the inventor made, the ones that were shown making the cookies. All of the other robots had arms and hands that were made from tools geared toward a specific purpose. One of them had beaters you use for baking for hands. Another had the cutters used to make cookie shapes. One had arms and legs like that. Another had a spatula for a hand. The robot version of Edward, when he had only the metal body, had scissors for hands in the early pictures. So he was initially just another robot who's purpose had to do with something that requires scissors. I wonder if he was made to do the gardening, creating all those sculptures in the yard. That explains why, when the inventor turned him into a man, he had scissors. He already had them. The reason he didn't give him hands right away, I think that has to do with how hard hands are to create. I read something online that said that when it comes to prosthetics, medical industry still hadn't created hands that have the dexterity and movement that comes close to mirroring real hands. So the inventor was probably taking so much longer to have hands ready for him that looked real enough because they were so much harder. Then he died before he could finish them and add them. I think the ones he was giving Edward in the dream were still prototypes, and he was just showing them to him, only Edward accidentally ruined them. So, the inventor didn't make a man and give him scissors for hands. He made a robot with scissors for hands because it fit the robot's purpose, and then he died without having been able to create hands that were good enough for his creation. Hope that makes sense. Again, great reaction. Looking forward to more from you. :D

RolyPolyOllie Reactions

Oh yeah I saw that story book but never paid too much attention to it! I think that is a very cool reason as to why he doesn't have hands yet and I think that puts that nit picking issue out of my mind. Also you colour point is very interesting and looking back on it I can totally see the Tim Burton within the colours and I love the idea that he was turning his own brand on its head.