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Apollo and Rocky are secret lovers



Hello Everybody! Micky!!!!! PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/


Sherman Lin

Your reaction at Micks death at 54 min mark is so strong. Good reaction Video You might consider getting an app or an excel spreadsheet to put the movies you react to with their original release dates. For you its just watching one movie after another in the series but remember for us it was years in the making. Rocky came out in 76 I was 14 and didn't see it even though it was #1 at the box office and won a ton of Oscars. I saw it in 79 when I was 17 at a double feature Rocky and Rocky 2, Rocky 3 1982 I was 20 and Rock 4 1985 I was 23 and I owned my own video store. Rocky 5 1990 I was managing a Blockbuster Video and I was 28. So think about you seeing Rocky 1 when you were 14 and not seeing Rocky 4 (the next one) till you were 23. I think you told me you were 25 thats a great age btw. Oh about the spread sheet that will help you put in perspective what movies were made at the same time. For Instance the year before this was Arnolds big break in Conan the Barbarian 1981. Anyway good reaction video

RolyPolyOllie Reactions

Aw man watching those movies growing up must have been so much fun. Waiting for each release and being in a packed theatre as those training montages played was probably amazing!