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Pinhead is barely in the darn thing. Still loved it though



Hello Everybody! Pinhead isn't even a villain PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/


Benny Ford

This was a good addition to my collection. I’m looking forward to the rest of this spooky season.

Jimmie V

Such a GREAT reaction. Clive Barker (who also wrote the source material for Candyman) is really next level. If you're looking for other horror-ish movies that really go off in unexpected ways, you might want to check out Nightbreed (the Cabal-cut is preferable) or Lord of Illusions. He's primarily an author though and even though we wouldn't be able to watch, if you ever want to see him at his peak artistic level (this was his first film and he only did it because other people ruined his other material in film) check out his writing. "In The Hills, The Cities" is a short story that I HIGHLY recommend you read that you could knock out within an hour. Absolutely gorgeous prose and an incredibly insane premise with a lot of deep subtext. Also, another more recent adaptation of his work that's pretty good would be "Midnight Meat Train" which to be honest, doesn't live up climactically to the original short story, but I think it's pretty entertaining. Oh yeah, and lastly, Hellraiser 2 is worth a watch. 3 and 4 are also okay, but don't ever go past that because after that, there were a lot of movie studio politics that ruined the series that involved things like simply adding Pinhead to random unrelated stories and making awful low-budget sequels so that they could legally maintain the rights. There is a new movie coming out though and a series on HBO so hopefully they're finally gonna get it right.

RolyPolyOllie Reactions

A Hellraiser series on HBO sounds like a lot of fun! I probably will not react to the other Hellraiser movies but I would like to watch them eventually! I would also love to read some more of Clive Barker's stories they seem very creepy and well written.