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Enjoy my uncut reaction to Terminator 2! :)



Hello Everybody! Thank you for watching my Uncut reaction to T2! Follow Me On: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/


Raven Dark

James Cameron has said in the commentary for this film that all the model 101 Terminators look like Arnold. So future John programmed a model that looked exactly like the Terminator that was destroyed in the first movie. Loved this reaction. You've got some great content on here. Have you ever seen the movie Independence Day? I think you should watch that one. It seems right up your alley, and it's a great film. Do you have specific posts or places where you like us to put recommendations or requests? If so, let me know and I will request it there.

RolyPolyOllie Reactions

I love Independence Day and I used to watch it so much as a kid. The comments or on a private DM here work great for suggestions!! :)

Singing Wordwright

The first Alien movie was directed by Ridley Scott, which is why it's so creepy and atomospheric. The second one was directed by Cameron, though, which you can tell in the centering of the female lead and the step up in action. The first one I would call horror. The second I would call action/adventure.