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Talks of the Emissary are back in the episode Accession (I think I kept saying Ascension oops!) and what a cool episode. Not only did we get some hilarious and heart warming O'Brien and Bashir friendship moments, but we also got to see Sisko really taking the responsibility of being the Emissary seriously, as well as some really interesting conversations surrounding religious figures in general. Right from the start, the episode challenged Sisko when a new Bajoran appeared from 200 years in the past claiming that he was the Emissary. Obviously, because of his nature, it seemed reasonable for Sisko to hand over his position. Granted it didn't seem like Sisko was upset about it thatttttttt much but soon, this new Emissary's decisions to implement an old caste system into Bajoran society prooved to challenge Sisko's beliefs as an individual. I loved watching Sisko step back up and fight for the position of the Emissary again and it is cool seeing how much more open he is about it. The conversation surrounding the following of religious figures was interesting as well. Kira and Odo, standing on a balcony looking down on the new Emissary, both discuss what is pretty obviously to opposing view points on religion. Odo is skeptical and sees this new Emissary as an illogical contradiction to Kira's religion while Kira states that logic doesn't matter when it comes to these things, only the belief. I think the show takes a pretty middle road when dealing with the subject as it seems to say it is ok to believe in this stuff but just don't follow these figures blindly or without question. Like I said earlier as well, O'Brien and Bashir were awesome and it was funny seeing them both depressed because Keiko came home meaning they couldn't see each other a lot!

Rules of Engagement was a courtroom drama! Did not expect that but wow it was so cool! Immediately, the filmmaking style used was extremely well done. I loved how all the flashbacks contained moments of the characters looking into camera and explaining their actions to us like we were a jury. It felt very unique to this episode in DS9 and was very engaging. The trail was set around Worf destroying an innocent Klingon shuttle containing hundreds of passengers. It was cool that right from the get go, it is clear the Worf DID destroy the ship so the trial becomes basically a trial on Worf's character and personality. While I hated this guy, I also loved the Klingon lawyer. The way he was able to weave his stories in and out of the witnesses was really cool and provided some very tense moments. Watching Worf punch him was so satisfying but also so a mouth to the floor moment because it really felt like he won right then. Of course he didn't and the truth, while crazy, was something I think I predicted earlier on. That is my only fault with the episode I think. I felt like the knowledge of the truth happened too fast and felt very sudden. Like the writers new the episode was gonna end soon and they had to wrap it up. Would have liked to see 5 more minutes of Sisko and Odo doing some detective work or something! Besides that small grip, I really enjoyed the episode and can't wait for next week!!


Andrew Hansen

I really like both these episodes. Ascension is fascinating. As a devotional man of faith I would say kira's answer is a little frustrating. I think Master Yoda in Revenge of the Sith talking about whether awaking is the chosen one had this response, "a prophecy misread maybe." If I were there and a follower of the bajoran religion my response might be "I might be wrong at times but that does not make the prophets wrong." Star Trek Enterprise actually has a legal drama episode involving Klingons. Captain archer has a Klinger lawyer played by the guy who plays general martok in Way of the warrior.