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The second instalment of The Matrix saga brings about much more action, drama, and effects but is it any good?

Yes. Yes it is good. Really good actually. When I was growing up everyone who talked about these movies always said that the first Matrix was great and all the others were bad. I would like to now present the notion that this movie is not bad at all, and is in fact a very enjoyable and action packed sequel to a beloved film. It's not as good as the first (obviously as that one is pretty much an action masterpiece) and some of the pacing may be a bit off, CGI a little wonky, and action being much more about spectacle than substance... but like I had so much fun so who really cares? Let's start with the action because it was fantastic! The fight choreography was insane at time and the Asian influence of fighting and wire work was much more noticeable. The action is very floaty and wire work heavy due to everyone being masters of the matrix and it leads to some incredibly fun and exciting action where people do impossible moves. Watching Neo flip around all over the place will never get tiring. And what about that highway sequence in the last 3rd of the film! I had heard rumours about how fun that was supposed to be but man it was exhilarating. Never before have I seen someone katana slice a moving car and then proceed to shoot the vehicle as it rolls over until it explodes. Besides the action, the visual in this movie are a treat!! The only time they lack is when CGI doubles are used to fight (but even then they look impressive for the time), but everything else is pure gold. All of the backgrounds blend seamlessly with the real sets and everything contains so much detail. I was also worried that the directing would take a hit in the sequels but it is safe to say that the Wachowski sisters know how to direct action. Their use of wide angles mixed with creative camera movements that zoom the audience in and out of fights, around people, and through vehicles kept me very engaged the entire time. Overall, I don't really understand why this movie gets so much hate. I was invested, the twists in the story made sense to me and blew me away, and the action delivered. If you have only seen the first Matrix I highly recommend this second chapter. Let's hope the 3rd doesn't drop the ball!!!



Way back when, I thought: "that highway sequence would be a great template for the live action Transformers movie that's coming." Didn't quite get that from the Bay movies, but it was still a nice thought. Love the music in that scene, too.