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Wow Season 4 isn't pulling any punches is it?? Two more balls to the walls insanely good episodes with Indiscretion maybe being my favourite of the season so far? It's tough cause all of the episodes have been so good for different reasons but I found myself to heavily invested in this episode in particular. The episode revolves around two characters who we would not expect to be together: Dukat and Kira. I never even thought about putting these two together in an episode but from the moment they stepped foot into that runabout alone, I knew we were in for a treat. Loved their bickering at the start of the episodes when Dukat talks about how Bajor is better off after the occupation. While I hate that sentiment I also believe it to be true in a twisted way. It's much like our society today would not be the same without all the war and conflict that came before it. Interesting notion that. The real crazy good part began when they landed on that desert planet in search of the missing Cardassian ship carrying Bajoran prisoners. What both surprised me and threw me in was how vulnerable Dukat was. His normal jokingly evil demeanour was replaced with a very emotional individual who we find out lost the woman he loved in this crash. A Bajoran woman none-the-less. Watching him mourn her death as he holds her bracelets was honestly extremely sad and I got goosebumps and tears. But the episode was not done yet as we then learn that he had a DAUGHTER with that Bajoran woman. Dukat decides that he needs to kill her and I loved the exchanges that he had with Kira about why he has to do it in order to protect his family (and mostly himself) from any consequences it may cause while Kira basically said "you kill her you die". Watching him find it within his heart to love his daughter and not kill her, as well as seeing him bring her back to Cardassia, really elevated my opinion of him! I know he still did horrible things in the past... but guys he is changing! Oh yeah also Yates is moving into the station and Sisko was having a little bit of a love crisis which my boy Jake Rizzco quickly resolved.

Rejoined was an episode about lesbians. Well not exactly lesbians it was actually an episode about two Trill symbiotes who used to love each other re-connecting in another life and another host. But come on guys, this episode was definitely about lesbians and their place in society as well as how society views them. Sometimes, Star Trek can be subtle with its progressive themes and sometimes it can be fairly on the nose and this one was fairly on the nose (in an amazing way). I mean, there is even a magnificent kiss between the two ladies what more proof do you need! Either way, I always love how Star Trek manages to portray these themes (some would say woke and I say it is woke in the best way possible but I also hate that word it is too overused and has lost all meaning but anyways that is my little rant) in ways that intertwine and work within the general story. Seeing how Trill society rejects those who re-join together in new lives was quite shocking and really reminded me of how our society treats people who are gay by ousting them and casting them aside. Obviously, it is a little better now I think but it is still a conversation that needs to be had with a lot of people. It was also interesting to see how the episode handled the romance itself. It made the romance feel so unbelievably natural and we as the audience were mostly on Dax's side of wanting the relationship to happen as we could really feel how much she loved her. I think this episode did a great job of portraying that gay love is just as strong as straight love. That being said, the ending did leave me with some tears in my eyes as it was not meant to be. Could be a commentary on how in the end, society usually wins and their happiness was broken up over fear of Lenara (the other Trill woman) losing everything. Either way, it was a very strong ending and left me wanting to give Dax a hug. Apologies that this episode review was me basically social commentating the whole episode but I felt this episode out of any that I have watched so far contained the most in your face (again in a good way) social commentary.



Star Trek at its best makes you ask questions, about society, about rules, about yourself. As you know, the battles are fun, but the morality tales are what keep us coming back.

Ensign Ahkinum

As a gay person, this was a real milestone for me and Star Trek. It was the first time we got to see a same-sex relationship happen on screen in the Star Trek Universe. Also, like my Native American people, my fellow gay people are still alive in the future. They have not killed us off yet.

Ryan Roach

They weren’t really gay, though. Trek didn’t have an actual gay character until Discovery, to their shame.