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I am opening up 5 commission slots for illustrations only. At the moment I cannot handle comic or animations at the time. (I'm still finishing up a few of those.) Illustrations are much quicker and easier for me to handle at the moment so I can ease back into a healthy work flow.

These are first come first serve so they might fill up fast. I'm sorry for those who have been waiting a while and might miss out on this round, but I will try to open up commission slots like these once per month.

I'll update this post when slots are filled. wish me luck.

Price list is here - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31599228/


JESUS CHRIST GUYS!!!! I just opened and 3 minutes later they're already filled.
I'll be messaging all who got their slot in. and from the looks of it, I might be able to reopen again sooner than I thought.



How much are the commissions? I'm interested in getting a slot


I would also like a slot~

Elusive Anon

I do get paid tomorrow, I'd certainly would love to get a picture or two. If I can get a slot, let me know


If I didn't have a bunch of unexpected expenses pop up (plus one that I'm expecting to hit next week), I'd totally drop some money on this. Oh well, perhaps next time.

Elusive Anon

Welp... Though yeah, good luck. I hope you're able to find a healthy work flow


It all just filled up. I'm honestly shocked how fast it did. But I'll try to have it open again next month.


“Oh hey, Sacha’s opening commissions! Perhaps I can order something from- And it’s already filled up.”


Just be sure to not overdo it. I've done commission work in the past, and I know full well how taxing it can get. Either way, keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing what you have planned in the future.

Enigma Dragan

I woke up now to see the commission opening aaaand ofcourse full, haha If it ain't speed then it gotta be timezone problem XD


So popular that the moment you open up slots they're instantly taken! hahaha