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So... I went to the clinic for what seemed -to me- to be influenza and got some medication and a covid test cuz, better safe than sorry. The test results came back a while later and sure enough i've tested positive for Corona Virus.

This means I've had Covid-19 since this past Saturday. I don't even know when I could have contracted the virus (I'm double Vaxxed!) and although it explains a lot I'm still kinda... processing the info. I'm gonna take it easy for a bit, I'm not in any life or death risk but I won't be going out or anywhere for the next week or two. Self quarantine, and I will do whatever I can to protect my family and roommates from this thing. (It's gonna suck to miss Easter Sunday Dinner, but I'd raaaather my Grandma stay around to see another few easters.)

I'll be ok. I've been prescribed with more pills, nyquill and other medicine to drop a lion. I can make it a week or 2. You all stay safe.



Just please take it safe your content is amazing but your well-being is more important


Aww man that sucks. I had Covid before and its not fun at all being cooped up in your room for 2 or so weeks, just take it easy till then. Oh and I know I said it before but if you can have someone get you a "Ora" Brush. I used it when I had covid and it made the sore throat issue less painful.

Elusive Anon

Yeah, I know the feeling. I had a similar reaction to when I got covid about a week ago. I was not thrilled at all, especially since I thought it was just a normal cold. Take it easy, like you said, and be safe. I am sorry this happened to you. At the very least, I hope you get well soon. Your Vaccine should make all of this not too bad.


Yeah, the new variants are better at infecting around the vaccines, but the vaccines (especially if you've also had a booster) are still quite good at keeping it from being too serious. Hope you have a quick recovery!

Anime Guy

I work with the public on a daily basis. All through the pandemic I've been scared and worried about getting sick. Even when I got the vaccines I was still worried. Now we have these new variance that go around the vaccines. It's a tough time right now for everyone. I wish you a speedy recovery. Please take care of yourself and don't worry about us we can wait.