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Gushing Over Magical Girls Ep. 7 Reaction [FULL]

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Probably my favorite episode to date. The "M" stuff out of Azure has been fun up until now, but that was some real MVP stuff out of Basier today.


Was it really, though? She broke her "toy," and got mad at her toy for breaking. That's kinda fucked up, imo. Baiser is 100% at fault for pushing Azure too far and being the one to actually break her. It's not Azure's fault that Baiser literally sees her as some inhuman entity that's supposed to be able to fight against anything and everything. And wydm "until now?" Shit is STILL amusing. In fact, the worse it gets, the better the entertainment value. I'd really hate for some goody shit to be like, "I overcame my kinks"... with how this show is? Maximum degeneracy. If you're gonna be degenerate, lean into it and go all in. Don't stop the momentum that's built up.


Show me more of those two WOMEN at the end, please.