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Hordy's confession that i knew all along...


Coping McCoperson

absolutely gut wrenching. This show really knows how to tug at the heartstrings

Josh Huff

I don't think the Hordy killing Otohime was really meant to be a reveal for the viewer since that flashback occurs after the viewer has already been introduced to Hordy as the main villain of the arc.


Yeah for the Viewer it's not really a surprise. But for pretty much everyone in that World it is a surprise. Because back when it happened, Hordy was part of the Kings Army. So no one would really expect him to kill the Queen. At that point no one probably really knew about his connection with Arlong and that he looked up to him, except a select few. So most probably just thought that Hordy was just a normal fishmen that was part of the Kings Army. When he left the Army after the Queen got killed, people would probably expect that that was the point where he started to hate Humans. But yeah, as a viewer, we knew all of that stuff way before.


btw, the one hordy and his crew has aren't sea kings btw, they are sea beasts, smaller versions of sea kings and can be controlled.. sea kings are the HUGE ones and so far shirahoshi is the only one who can control/command them.. if im not mistaken, kraken is an example of sea beast... 👍


also, it has gone over your head that Madam Sharley, the Sharkwoman Seer, is Arlongs Sister