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yeah... i don't think this anime was really for me. I didn't quite understand a lot this season. I'll give the Labyrinth one a try but that's all i'm planning to do. If I like it then maybe ill do Eden as well.


The Fruit of Grisaia Ep. 11-13 Reaction [FULL]



You shouldn't have skipped the after credits...


I don't remember the exact reeasoning but I think the not following the road had to do with the shape of the cliff and also not knowing how far they would have to go. In that case, it's better to stay in one spot for the rescue. While kazuki did have a knife, she still had a massive disadvantage with it being 1 vs 2, her only having one arm, and not having eaten as much as the others. It was a necessity for her to stay behind to let Amane get far enough that they can't find her. Amane actually making it out was her being lucky because Kazuki did NOT finish the escape route, it was just a potential route based off of slowly mapping the forest as well as judging direction using the stars. While this adaptation certainly isn't great, the things aren't exactly stupid. I do understand though that we dismiss things as stupid when we don't like them because we are cognitive misers. Before reading the vn, I honestly thought this was great apart from the horrid panty shots.