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Coping McCoperson

Holy shit dude that was epic. Amazing show


Here he comes, red hair shanks!!

Richie Roberts

Shanks appearance was a game changer in this battle.


Great episodes. But there are some things worth mentioning: What Coby was going through was the same thing the little girl on Skypiea was going through. I don’t know if they went in depth with what it actually was, so i’m gonna stop there. Next, Joe you slipped up on something. It was someone’s name( not gonna say cause it’s a spoiler). Finally, Ben Beckmann is no one to sneeze at. Notice how he only pointed a gun at Kizaru and he backed down instantly👀


Okay the war is now officially over! No way they can win after they got BTFO so badly by 1 Yonko like Whitebeard before, and now another Yonko & his crew have arrived here all fresh & ready to nut up. Then there's of course Blackbeard & his gigantic unit crew in the backlines too

Shane x Masters

I can’t wait for you to get the full explanation of Laws power it’s so sick

Kazuki Ohira

I am biased as f*ck as a viewer and am fully on the pirate's side in the story of One Piece, but I can understand the stance of the Marines in this scene. First of all, there is no way that Whitebeard's crew is clean of any guilt. Where does the food and alcohol Whitebeard has come from? They had to have plundered from others, and before you say they bought it with money, then where did that money come from? For Luffy specifically, he would have been mostly clean until the Impel Down break out, in which he freed hundreds of prisoners who have done evil and will most definitely continue doing so. How many hundreds if not thousands of people will die at the hands of the people Luffy let out of Impel Down?


Yeah, wanted to say that aswell. Aisa could hear voices of people and how they disappear. Which got explained somewhat since Enel had it too and he said that he is using Mantra to hear people. And here is where the stars a line, when you think back to the other Mantra stuff and what we have seen in the show so far.


Coby hears Voices not for the reason that he is super connected to the Marines, because he didn't only hear the Voices of Marines but also of the Pirates.

Elite cobra

Ima just say I think the wg does a whole lot worse then pirates they Def do as much if not more plundering and innocent murder they just name it under justice.

Kazuki Ohira

I agree with the WG part, but as I mentioned in some previous episode's comments, WG and Navy are different in this scenario. WG does plunder from countries in the name of taxes and authority, but the Navy simply wants to keep citizens safe from pirates. That's the whole point of the revolutionary army; they fight not the navy, but the WG because they understand that as long as the Navy gets less corrupt higher-ups, their justice can shine properly once more. Also, just because the WG stole someone's shit it doesn't excuse the fact that after becoming a pirate that person most likely stole/raped/plundered/genocided many other countries.


Briefly mentioned in Skypiea, they call it mantra. It will be further explained soon in upcoming episodes


NGL, in my memories, Coby used Conqueror's Haki here to buy some time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Was a long time ago.

Elite cobra

Something that should be mentioned 2nd in command on yonko crews are very strong hence why Kizuru probably didn't want to mess with Ben Beckman shanks 2nd in command. People think we'll then why was Marco taken care of so easily (It's because whitbeard doesn't have a second in command just division commanders.)


I think that despite how guns have been portrayed as useless, the fact that Kizaru, a dude literally made of light, chose not to fuck with the dude pointing a gun at him is a testament of how powerful Ben Beckman is.