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Frieren is PEAK!


Frieren Ep. 10 Reaction [FULL]

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I’m glad i wasn’t the only one about the “and you alright?” 😂


THAT'S what i was looking forward to.

Andrew Diseker

Flamme was HOT, even when she was old! I'm probably prejudiced since I'm old, too, but damn!

plug-in panda

the whole cowardly thing i think is because its sort of like sucker-punching someone


Its more like coming to a sword fight with a light saber disguised as a Kitchen Knife. I also am a combat pragmatist but I can understand why some people would find it dishonest, imagine you pick a fight with a bunch of kids by tricking them into thinking your an old febble man, or disguising yourself as a woman and then kicking a bunch of women's ass in a fighting competition despite your natural strength advantage. It's not a hard thing to grasp. It also shows Demons do have a sense of morality and justice, its just alien to our own because they aren't community based creatures, they only work together based off pragmatism so how well you relate and get along with others isn't a factor, its based simply off individual merit. Contrast with humans who use social status and wealth which are indicators of both individual competence and the ability to make connections and integrate into a community which both needed to generate that wealth. Humans are both highly individualistic and social community creatures, Demons are only individualistic. A lot of our Human Morality is based off empathy and keeping peace in the community as well as the rights of the individual. Demons don't have a sense of kinship so their morality would be different. Demons aren't really evil, so much as alien and have a different sense of morality based off their psychology.


Like people have commented, it's like sandbagging someone to lull them into a false sense of superiority only to crush them when everything's on the line.


Also with the flower spell, in a before episode Frieren said that was the spell Himmel would compliment her on.


wait wait wait i just realized something. when Frieren was training Fern in ep2, do yall remember when Frieren drew a circle around Fern?!? IS THAT TRAINING HER TO CONCEAL HER MANA INSIDE THE CIRCLE??? if yes, god i love this show. they're rewarding viewers for paying attention to the simplest things


Just goes to show her connections with people interlacing. Like when the phantom shows her master before but then it is now Himmel.


The fact that homie looks exactly like the rock Fern blasted as a child makes it even better. She prepared for this shit


Frieren was like "lol, kys"

Apex Fairko

one of my fav things this ep that i havent seen anyone bring up was the animation of auras hair getting cut lmao


I hope Joe just keeps calling her Flambé just to piss off chat. That's what they get for incorrecting him. lmfao!