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I know everyone is ok, but Luffy just went through hell and those flashbacks fucking got me.



I mean why do you think Kuma is gonna get BTFO? It's obvious he helped CRIMINALS ESCAPE from being punished for blasphemy like bating the shit out of a Celestial Dragon...


All the strawhats got isekai'd 😱

Barre Bonds

I think the anime/manga went on a one month break after this chapter/episode.. Can't even imagine how that must have felt waiting 😭😭

Kazuki Ohira

Kuma was feeling a special kind of evil going out of his way to leave luffy last huh.

dani oz

Imagine Oda just ended the show right here like " I got over 400 episodes out of this, main crew dissapeared, time for a new project" lmao


This was the episode that pushed me to the manga. Waiting for the next episode was a suffer


What if it did and the other 600 eps are just the fandom huffing copium and pretending it is still ongoing.

Richie Roberts

Everyone knew the crew was going to live when it happened in the anime and the manga back then, but it was Luffy's reaction that made it hurt so much. It was a given that Oda wasn't gonna kill off the crew. So no one is worried about you knowing that they are around later on. That's not major spoilers. It's all the stuff that they go through to get where they end up later that is the spoiler. If I was to tell you about why Nami reading Noland the Liar to Zoro in the live actionwas so important, before you saw Skypia. That, would be a major spoiler. Saying that Zoro was going to live after the Mihawk fight because you've seen him in so much stuff way past the East Blue saga. That's not a major spoiler. So I don't think anyone was expecting you to be worried that you knew the crew wasn't going to die. We were watching to see your reaction to what Luffy was going through, because that's what this whole thing is about.

Richie Roberts

Just call it what the dub uses, 'Bink's Brew.' You have the alliteration and it sounds better. Rolls off of the tongue easier.


I thought it was very daring of Oda to kill off every one of the straw hats and replace them with totally new characters after the timeskip but somehow he made it work!

Curtis Murphy

Your rant more than any kind of non-reaction was what ruined it