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Good times turn to bad times quick, but WHO TF IS THIS GUY!?!?


Richie Roberts

Yay! you finally met Rayleigh. He is the GOAT! We love Rayleigh!


"At least kick her somewhere that's covered by clothes" WTF did he mean by this? Bitch, clearly anyone buying a female slave is gonna want to 100% inspect their entire body for any defects or injuries, since it's gonna be used as a sex slave or w/e anyway (otherwise you'd just get male fishmen/mermen etc if you just wanted that shit for the stats after all). Does he want to die if a Celestial Dragon buys her & notices it's damaged goods????

Shane x Masters

This probably my favourite arc so I’m super excited for the episodes to come


The return of pointing Joe, can't ask for more. A double wammy even. <3 Rayleigh actual gigachad energy.


Of course Garp is not a celestial dragon, he is a fish.


To clarify some stuff without spoilers. Rayleigh is pronounce Ray like in "Light Ray" and then "leigh" how you pronounced it. The World Nobels aka Celestial Dragons are the aristocratic descendants of nineteen of the First Twenty who established what is now known as the World Government. And they Live in Holy Land of Mary Geoise, which is on Top of the Redline where the World Gonvernment is stationed aswell. They can pretty much do whatever they want. And yeah, the World Government basically build a "Friendly" Relationship with the Fishmen so that they are seen as equals to Humans... but there is still many people that don't like Fishmen and don't treat them the same. So yeah, very much racism.


yo dud i understand what you were saying at 37 minutes. big dick = big money. roger brutha. catchu on the flip for ringo! bonzaiiiiii


Really wish we got the uncensored kid/law interaction where law flipped kid off instead off the head gesture

Joseph C Gdaniec

The major thing with the Fishmen is that although the World Government recognized them as "people" the Celestrial Dragons which are the World Government Aristocrats still treat them like animals and want them as slaves to this day, so can you really say that the World Government is "friendly" when they actively help Celestial Dragons keep fishmen slaves