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new werewolf mystery


Undead Murder Farce Ep. 9-10 Reaction [FULL]

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Imagine being retarded enough to go fetch water AT NIGHT, in a spookyass place like the village is at... especially since 7 years before the 1st disappearance they had a werewolf problem & all that... Also WDYM "when they translate things like that"? Louise would have turned 13 this year, and we know since E1 that Aya is 14, biologically speaking. So Shinuchi's comment was pretty accurate I'd say, factually speaking Physically they are humans yes when in stealth mode, but in less concrete terms like senses they remain the same. Basically they are weakest durability & brute force wise in Humans, and their stats like that are maxed out in Therianthrope mode (basically there's Human mode, Wolf mode & Therianthrope, as Aya expalined. Therianthrope are basically bipedal wolves the size of bears, whereas Wolves are indistinguishable from, well, wolves) Also yeah I hope they will eventually reveal if my guess of Homunculus was correct or nah earlier this season


So on the second episode they explained that only werewolves can birth other werewolves and since everyone in the village's birth mother is accounted for that's why they conclude it has to be an outsider if anyone. Also Tsugaru even if he's strong pretty sure he would die to a bullet to the head from two pistols point blank, remember he can kill immortals but is still very much mortal himself.


My theory is that the girl that was killed 8 years ago beginning of the arc survived, and a year and half ago replaced Louise.