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Rurouni Kenshin Ep. 9 Reaction [FULL]

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No it's not. Megumi is a GIRL NAME, which is one of the 2 reasons Fushiguro fucking HATES his dad, because the asshole gave him a girl name even tho he's boy (he literally explains this in S1E5 or 6 IIRC) Also did the rich mf get a gatling gun (Meiji started in the 1850's, gatling guns started to be a thing in like late 60's), cuz I could have sworn I've seen similar sized/shaped boxes in video games & anime etc before, and they always contain something like a gatling gun or a fuckhuge bazooka or similar type of shit. Since this dude is speaking English, I assume it could be possible the ship is from America, which is nearby-ish ocean wise, and where the army did start to just consider getting gatling guns after a sales pitch few years back