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Mie has realized.... 👀👀👀


The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses Ep. 9 Reaction [FULL]

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Coping McCoperson

Realized? Real eyes? I see what you did there. Academy award level word play for the boy genius himself Josephine Freshest. I am in awe of you


Best episode of this series so far by a long shot. A lot of good stuff here. I didn't like that you went "this boy is about to cry because she's crying?!" in such a criticizing manner because I think that's extremely wholesome and shows how much he cares. I don't know why the expectation for him is that he has to be a masculine sigma male that doesn't show emotion but when Ichikawa does the same thing then it's cool? Personally I loved how they addressed how both of them feel about the way things have been going, I mean you even criticized her for the exact same shit she was crying about for the whole episode and I think it's nice that we see that it's something she genuinely doesn't feel good about. It's not like she coasts through life not giving a care about anything.

Taylor Moon

seemed like Joe was getting mad at things this episode just to be mad. Mie took a breath.. JOE: WhO BrEaThEs LiKe ThAt, LiKe ShE's GoInG tO GeT nO OxYgEn.. then he proceeds to show us the proper way to breathe

Jared Williams

Honestly I feel like middle school romcoms have more progression than high school or college (cough rent a girlfriend) romcoms which is wild


probably because they can get away with more fanservice stuff rather than actual progress because they are "older"


I would slap the shit out of her and tell her to quit whining.