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Mushoku Tensei S2 Ep. 2 Reaction [FULL]

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maybe "dai suki" at the end? :)

Touch Me

Also , yeah , every reactor I started this season with so far seems sooo confused ... almost like yall wanted another season 1 .. ?! and it's really funny how every reactor just waits for the perverted scenes and even thinks its a innuendo when it's just a normal scene.. the booba grab in particular I think was meant to show how he doesn't even react to it , heck doesn't even realize what happened... old Rudy would have had the biggest and most disgusting smile on his face in that situation lol Rudeus went through a lot of stuff , in his own head it's even bigger than reality... and remember in our world he lived almost a whole life without ANYONE , and even in this life it took him a couple of years to make a few connections.... and now he feels that one of those , a really important one just betrayed him and left him... So yeah , he is all over the place because he is still very depressed but he also knows that he cannot stay this way so he tries to be a goody-two-shoes but at the end of the episode he realizes that it's not the way either... in other words he's trying to find himself...


At the start during the opening that's a device that you put mana into and it melts the snow, so you don't have to store it. Pretty neat.

Taylor Moon

I know joe stopped the video tons to make a "Rudy is gonna do this Perverted thing" guess and everytime it didn't happen XD

Jake Thompson

His name is Quagmire because he makes mud pits lol, he did it to his dad, and like 90% of his fights have him changing the ground.


Rudy casually told Mother Nature no

Brandon Bailey

I should have ignored this show like season 2 wasn't out yet because waiting each week is driving me nuts. I just want to keep watching

Richie Roberts

The statue is from Kishirika in her adult form from before she was reborn. Rudy doesn't know about that though. It's thousands of years old. Not spoilers, just some world lore that got skipped over.

Richie Roberts

I can't wait for you to be done with this arc of the show so you can read vol 7. This part of the anime does lack on being able to understand Rudeus' thought process. The part where he is being yelled at by Soldat who is calling him out for his behavior and Rudy starts shaking is being misinterpreted. And that's not your fault Joe. That's because the anime isn't giving enough information about what Rudy is going through. He's shaking in fear from his trauma. He's being called on his bullshit. I think the problem with volume 7 is that it is very cerebral. A lot of it takes place in Rudy's head and that's not always easy to convey. And Soldat was right btw. When Rudy went and soloed everything to save Sara, he proved he had been half assing everything up to that point. He could have done so many of the jobs that he needed too with those parties much better and not dragged things down. he didn't give enough information out when he first met counter arrow either. Once again, half assed.


Man... I can see why there are a lot of negative reactions to this episode... even without having read the source material, I can tell that the pacing was all over the place. Some scenes made little to no sense for someone who's trying to stay anime-only.


Also, to add, I found Joe's reaction funny when he was pointing out aspects of Rudy in the past compared to what we see now... when the whole point of Mushoku Tensei is growth and character development following these characters from their infant years and moving forward to their adulthood. Rudy's been through a lot... trauma and personal growth is what's shaping him to be this current version of himself.

Taylor Moon

The anime more than explains this enough if someone doesn’t under That’s their problem. It doesn’t need to monologue every thing hes going through mental. Show don’t tell is what they’re doing and its great, everything you stated was like yeah, no shit, they showed that. Show doesn’t need to act like their viewers are 10 yr olds

Taylor Moon

Quick pacing but not bad pacing, this is such a small part of the story all they need to convey is rudy’s mental state and what fixed it which they are doing well


Yes. His nickname is DORO-NUMA in Japanese. DORO is mud, and NUMA is a swamp. I am not sure Quagmire is a common word in English, but doro-numa is easy to understand for Japanese people.


I mean, "doro-numa" may not be a common word, but both doro and numa are very common words in Japanese, so easy to get the meaning.


Oh I think there's still some bad pacing on this episode. Again, it's great that people who've read the LN get most of the context, but from an anime-only perspective, this episode just jumped from one thing to another, which is so disorienting. One example is that scene where Rudy was getting chewed out by that drunk Paul look-alike. After smashing the table and some words were exchanged, the next scene just shows Rudy sitting down on the same chair, with no table, then that mofo just comes back and apologizes out of the blue. I was so confused if there was supposed to be a jump in time there or something. Then the scenes where Rudy rescued Sara felt like watching a speed-runner getting the plot from point A to point B in about 2 minutes (yes, I kept track of the time). I feel the criticisms are definitely valid. That's not to say the show is bad... just that I'm not one to join a bandwagon of people who continue to praise everything that's being done right with the series and turning a blind eye to things that merit criticism.

Taylor Moon

Yeah the table thing was definitely rough but that's it, the stuff with sara was fine, it spent as much time on it as they needed to for a smaller part of the story, it didn't need to take half the epiosde but it definitely would have been nice however there's only so many episodes in a season i don't want them not being able to get to the important stuff because they spent too long on things that are just a means to an end.


Oh for sure. I wanted to point out the individual things that I felt needed a bit more to make sense. But the time constraint is definitely a detriment to good story telling. Although it's no longer realistic in this day and age, I think Mushoku Tensei could have been one of those shows that benefitted from being a continuous ongoing series (ie. One Piece, Naruto) instead of having to cram so much into seasons/cours with limited episode counts.

Richie Roberts

They are zooming through content. We expected them to go fast, but some of this is is just whoa. I will admit that Volume 7 is not my favorite of the volumes being covered in season 2, but it is important to Rudy's journey and has impact that reaches him even in places way into the future, though that may get cut out in the anime, but I hope not. I know the most important story beat of this arc is probably what they are focused on so they probably fixated on that.


am i the only one that agrees with Heckler aka the leader of Stepped Leader i can see why people wouldnt like him for how he acted to Rudy but honestly u can see it on Rudy reaction, he was right


@statix no no no, dont say MT should have been an ongoing series like One Piece. No anime should be like that, not even One Piece.


Naw, I'm just too stupid to understand the undertones and unspoken emotional complexities of characters and relationships through nuanced intricacies in the animation 😔


Oh I agree. The breaks in between seasons has made it so that animation studios don't get burned out, which sacrifices quality. It's more of the fact that older shows like One Piece, Naruto, Bleach had the luxury of telling stories without the constraints of seasonal limitations... sometimes even to its own detriment (ie. filler episodes). We can only imagine how hard it is to keep that balance... being able to properly adapt a manga/LN into an anime, ensuring context isn't lost, without making the series too dragged out (ie. milking a franchise more than they ought to).


Heckler maybe rude, but he is telling the truth, that's the point. Audiences should also be feeling that Rudy action is weird in this Ep.


Joe so invested in every action and yelling at the screen like my grandma at the news lol. Fair warning to turn your headphones down! haha