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Diana and I have decided that she won’t be doing the One Piece reactions going forward. There are a few reasons. First, Diana doesn’t like reacting to One Piece. I think a big part of this is the drawn out pace and the other reason is because we have to watch 3 episodes in a row due to it being a long series and a precedent set by other reactors (if we do 2 episodes everyone starts bitching). Second, Diana’s schedule doesn’t allow for any time to record outside of right after work (which she hates having to do after working her 9-6 job and driving home) or on Saturday and Sunday which means on her only 2 days off she has to spend that time doing something she already doesn’t want to do. Third, she sees some toxic YouTube comments and it can effect her pretty hard sometimes (even though she doesn’t want to admit it)

For the time being she will still be doing reactions for Demon Slayer, and likely AOT and JJK. After reacting for a few months on camera she just isn’t interested in continuing for One Piece which is years and countless hours of her life that she would have to dedicate herself to doing. We appreciate your support for her and positivity when she was doing the reactions and we hope you’ll keep that same positive energy.


Coping McCoperson

She was smart to save her mental. You should do the same. It’s not worth


Yeh l her but yeh she missing a lot but u understand

Shane x Masters

Damn a 9-6 job and then something that somehow feels even slower than that yeah fair enough for her lmao

Coping McCoperson

You have to say that. You have put over 500 hours into watching it. Sunk cost fallacy. Trying to save my man before that




While not a show I watch, I’m sad she had to go through that bs. Mental health and wellbeing are so important.

Luis g.

Better to prioritize what she likes best. So its understandable, and wish best of luck on the future


As your Editor, I know what goes on behind the screen and This was the right call. I hope YT and Patreon will sympathize and understand this decision.


I mean yeah, no point in watching something if you don't like it. If it's like a 12 episode Anime, you can do it... but even then it's because you could do something better with your time, but doing that for like hundred of episodes... oof


Totaly understandable, and a good decision. One Piece has a drawn out pace that i also find myself skiping a lot of. Allways better to use your time on stuff you want to use your time on :)


more power to her truthfully because no one should be forced to do what they don't like and i'd say ignore the people who bitch and complain about certain things like you shouldn't have to binge 3 episodes of any anime just because other reactors do just to please the commentors. go at your own pace and enjoy yourself with the anime, the most important part is your health and relationship with diana. so let the commentors bitch n ignore them, i personally dislike one piece in fact i dont remember the last time i seen a ep lol prob back on toonami on tv way back then


So sad to hear about the toxic comments. The time and schedule is also totally understandable. My love and support to Diana. :)

Paragon Goetia

Alright I have to ask through here since everything else doesnt appear. Does anyone else who is freshest, is unable to watch videos or vote since today? I swear that its as if the capability to do so was taken out from the tier.