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Coping McCoperson

That cliffhanger actually gave me chills, another example of the adaptation being planetary. Way more impact than when I read it. This two week delay gonna torture the anime onlys


Oh you know a reaction is hype when the thumbnail is blurry from all that jumping around


I’ve been looking online and apparently episode 8 will be delayed to June 7th for whatever reason.


That reveal was so hype! Now you know why Ai is still central through the entirety of the series... even when she's no longer there, someone else filled that void... sort of

Luis g.

Seeing everything animated to this point was phenomenal 😭 I flipped when i saw the end reveal


Nah, the thumbnail got me dead lmaoo


Aqua: "no one can imitate Ai" Akane: "are you sure about that Aqua? teehee" also if you dont know ep 8 got delayed a week so they left everyone on this massive cliffhanger



Richie Roberts

And the twitter people trying to say you hate on broccoli are just dick riding for big cucumber. lol

Taylor Moon

yep.. it's decided, Akane really is best girl

Richie Roberts

Starringan activated! If she figured out Ai to that degree, what else did she figure out? Arima said she was a gifted actress in the theater. So we know she has some amazing chops to the degree that someone of Arima's talent recognizes her as an equal. And we've seen her work ethic. Sadly it's on break next week due to a special program or something. The manga is on break next week too. :(


Also, I gotta say... I've really learned to appreciate how they handle these cliffhanger endings with the transitions to the ED song. I admit that episodes 2 and 3 had weird cliffhangers but after that, the banger ED and hype build-up is just on point.


You know, I actually felt a bit annoyed when Aqua said that any 17 y.o. is a “stupid kid”, I honestly hate this kind of ageism. We’re all different in different ages and periods of time. Someone can be “stupid kid” at 25 and someone can be mature and conscious at 16. The point is, it doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s still fine to make mistakes, we should just be kinder to each other. Imo the later you “grow up” - the better. Maybe I’m just a “stupid kid” myself for saying it, but that’s how I think


I used to think like what you were saying when I was younger. Now that a dozen years have gone by since I was 17, I know for sure that at that age most everyone is a stupid kid. There of course are exceptions, but very rarely is that the case. Even if you're a genius at that age you can still do something stupid that someone with life experience would NEVER do. It is what it is. I was a stupid kid too at that age 🤷‍♂️


Well this is an ageism I’m talking about) You really just confirmed all my words. You seem like a person who will judge others by their age and looks, and who will roast a person who made a mistake which is allegedly “unacceptable” for their age. I’ve seen enough people who are younger than me but so much more mature to understand that all people are different and you shouldn’t treat people based on their age. Usually people use word “kid” in relation of already grown enough young person to either belittle them or somehow justify their actions, and it’s equally wrong. But you can have your own opinion, it’s just sad to me, that’s all. I’m here not for arguing or any sort of confrontation tbh

Taylor Moon

Yeah that’s the truth, the exception doesn’t make the rules and it’s just as true in this case as an older guy myself looking back you constantly think of all the dumb things you did as a kid and I have brothers in high school now and they always have a bunch of friends over and they just do dumb stuff it’s nothing against them that’s just how it is growing up and what it means to become an adult is going through that process


idk, I'm 22 and I still think that way. Actually, when I was 18 or around that age I vice versa thought that anyone who is younger is stupider than me, but now I understand how wrong it is. And like I said, when you refer to a person who is already grown and kinda mature enough as a "kid" - it usually means that you're looking down on them or smth, which is wrong to me. While I don't even think that you necessarily should be more mature and experienced with age. Environment and surroundings we developing in are too different from person to person. Like, my mother gave birth to my older sister when she was 17 and my father just turned 16 at the time, he was already working in the factory while my mother was a university student, they lived by themselves and provided themselves with everything, and at that time it was pretty common and normal. My sister moved out from our house and went studying abroad at the age of 16, 2 years later she met a man who was 5 years older and fell in love, now they're married and have their own business. And here I am, 22 y.o. virgin who still lives with parents, watches anime, plays video games and draws some fan art at the spare time from studying and part time job. I hope I delivered the point)

Taylor Moon

Also calling this an age ism thing is kind of dumb and points to you being of a younger age which I don’t fault you for and you will hate to hear this but you’ll understand when you get older, Also you’re baselessly calling us people that judge others based on looks Because you don’t like what we’re saying, that’s pretty immature


So if you're in your 30s doing dumb stuff and just fooling around does that make you a kid? "Kid" is a definition of a person below age of 12, just so you know, then you're a teenager or in your pre or young adulthood and not a kid, it's a different things, psychologically wise at least. By law you're a kid unless you're 18, but it's like that only for convenience. The thing I'm trying to address is that a "kid" is only an age and not how you act. And it's strange to me how people calling others in their young adulthood "kids". It seems to me that they're doing it just to show that they're higher than them and to show how allegedly stupid they are. I thing it's wrong and that's my whole point


the ending reveal is just *chef kiss*


I think you are misreading what Aqua really means. Remember he is talking to the director, who is an experienced professional in the industry. Yes, all people make mistakes no matter the ages, but the younger people, in most cases, are lack of experience and not knowing how to avoid the damage or risks coming after their actions. So he is simply telling the director not to measure what Akane is facing based on his own experience and he should hold the responsibility for the situation and not let Akane to handle all on her own because she does not know what is the right things to do like he does


Maybe you’re right and I just jumping into conclusions because of one single phrase, idk


also Ai was 16 when she met the doctor and was pregnant, i believe. so 15 would be the time she was shacked up with someone


DAMN THE ENDING GAVE ME GOOSEBUMPS, this show is soooo good