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the internet is a messed up place...



You wouldn't believe what will you see next ep


Yeah, this is a pretty dark arc that was unfortunately inspired by a real incident. Once the arc wraps up you should Google it and check it out


Fun fact, the voice actress who voices Akane also voiced Mahiru in The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten earlier this year.

Richie Roberts

Okay. Here comes the context. This arc was inspired by the story of Hana Kimura, a female professional wrestler who had committed suicide due to the harassment online after an altercation that took place on the TV reality show Terrace House, a show where six people live together to find love. This is an excerpt of an article that talked about how the incident was staged: "Producers wanted Hana to act violently towards Kobayashi, and told her to slap him. She refused and settled on knocking off the hat instead. She told her family and friends she wanted to be a professional on TV, but producers wanted her to be obnoxious and play up a heel character to help the ratings. Kobayshi has since confirmed that the moment was staged." This ultimately led to Japan passing a law that makes cyberbullying punishable by up to a year in prison. RIP Hana Kimura : September 3, 1997 - May 23, 2020 Also, they put a thing at the end of this episode about suicide prevention and the national suicide hotline number. The subject matter was treated very seriously for this episode. And they really needed to. That was something I was confident they were going to pull off based on how well they pulled off the first episode. when I read this in the manga I was looking forward to this episode in the anime because I knew how well they handled all of episode 1. Really looking forward to next week's episode. Also, Aqua is Thomas Wayne Batman, because he has the medical degree. Akane is playing herself and that is the dangerous thing. Everyone else has a character or character type they are playing for the cameras that is acting as a type of armor it seems to protect them from the audience. So when the internet happen they can just be like "Well, they are talking about the character, not me." At least that's how it feels.

Richie Roberts

This episode is up there with episode 1 with it's emotional hit.


Akane didnt put up a persona for the show she basically went in there as herself and she basically took everything as herself, that it drove her to her end and thank god Aqua saved her. celebrities have it just as though as anyone of us


"But lying is also the very best way to protect oneself." Didn't really understand what Aqua meant when he had that conversation with Ruby until now thanks lol


I really love how this series continues to deliver on that rollercoaster of emotions since the first episode. Episodes 2-5 have been somewhat tame but then they hit you with episode 6 like Truck-kun coming back around for seconds after hitting us all in episode 1. The internet, for all the good it has brought to the world, definitely has its ugly side as well... and this episode showcases one of them.


Ngl not the biggest fan of akane's character so far

UltrA_ Ojisan

Nah this ep got me heated.


Oh no once she started ego surfing on 4 chan I knew shit was gonna hit the fan

dani oz

Thats the internet. People hiding behind their anime profile pictures and feel like they can say whatever they want without consequenses. This episode might as well be educational material for kids at school to give them a reality check before they get the chance to go on twitter