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The Shinomiya family...



Misaki when she said Polka saved her life when she was going to kill herself isn't technically wrong.


He wasn't giving off those vibes last episode, I'm not sure why you think that.


I think it may have been the other way round from your view. Thinking Polka was dead he had given up on life and was waiting to die but finding out he was alive changed that. Hence why he said I guess I can't die just yet after all. The twins said they though he was going to get chewed out but his father was instead just happy to see him (untill he realized it wasn't him). So I think Polka is his favorite of the family.

Richie Roberts

Oh no. It's Joe's super Saiyan arc.

Richie Roberts

He can't be visiting Kaguya. I don't see a camera anywhere.

Richie Roberts

And the fat mofo was the one trying to kill Polka it looks like and the rest of the family. I'm not saying the rules the others out, but for right now, that seems to be the case.


I don't know how you got that idea when it seemed like he was saying the opposite.

wesley o southall

His dad was making babies until he was in his 60's. Polka having really old nephews makes since when you keep that in mind. His siblings are also probably older 40+ I also assume a lot of them had different mothers.