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Archer and Saber finally fight!


dani oz

Kiritsugu is a prime example for choosing "the greater good" or "the lesser evil" while beeing totally objective. Doesnt matter if its family or not, doesnt matter if the ones left over are actually bad people or not.


Kirei's wish could be granted, because it's somewhere inside his own Soul, deep down. So the wish itself exists, even if the CONSCIOUS Kirei mind doesn't know what it is, but his SUBCONSCIOUS Kirei mind does, because it's integral to his very Soul etc. Also technically the Grail CAN grant your Wish even if you don't know how to execute the procedures, but it will be pretty much random/brute force approach, without any intricate details involved. So say you wanted to be "the strongest mage in the world", if you didn't know how to make it happen concretely enough, the Grail would just nuke every other magic user in the world, so you are the strongest mage cuz nobody else exists anymore, simple as