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He's a Traitor!??



I would say the betrayal is very much easy to see it coming, the more impressed thing is the camera angle (or how them animated it), the 360 degree go around the room and focus back to the Azoth dagger, LOVE IT.

Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

So, as Irisviel revealed in this episode that she is the Vessel made to host the Holy Grail as it is manifesting, this explains the rate of her weakening. She first started weakening after Assassin died fully, aka after the first servant died in the war. Then Caster died, and then after Lancer became the third servant to die, Irisviel collapsed. This is because as the servants die, their "soul" went into her and the Holy Grail started forming. ("soul" here is actually meant as a soul clone of their real soul within the metaphysical Throne of Heroes that lies beyond the confines of time)

Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

Interestingly, this has been foreshadowed back in episode 12 of the first cour of Fate/Zero. -------- During second shown longer discussion between Kirei and Gil, just after Kirei stopped being a master, while he is explaining to Gil what happens to command seals when a master dies, the screen focuses on the chess board of masters and servants made by Gil. More specifically, of the spot for Assassin and Archer (side by side), with Assassin out of his spot, yet his master(kirei) is still standing. And with Archer standing, yet his master(Tokiomi) put on its side. It shows that Gil had already planned to manipulate Kirei into killing Tokiomi by that point in the story. And while that sequence plays out, with us only seeing the part of the chess board mentioned above, this is what is said: Gil: So, depending on what happens from now on, a new Master may yet appear? Kirei: Yes. However, those that the Grail would deem eligible are few in number. Then the screen changes to seeing a reflection in a wine bottle of Gilgamesh's face as he smirks while Kirei says the following line: Kirei: Thus, when a new Master is sought, the Grail tends to select those it has previously found suitable. Then, later, near the end of the episode, when we return to their discussion, after being told by Gil that enjoying the suffering and tragedy of others is a form of pleasure as well, the command seal on Kirei's hand reappears even though no other master or servant has been killed yet. And Gil mentions that it happened earlier than he expected, and that it shows that the grail has noticed his(Kirei's) reason to seek it. And then the following scene plays out: Kirei: If I seek the Grail for my own desire... ... it'll mean becoming my teacher's enemy. Gilgamesh (while smirking): Then you'd better find yourself a strong Servant if you're going to fight me. Then the screen shifts to the same spot as before on the chess board as Gil says: Gilgamesh: But that's only if you manage to steal a Servant currently bound by contract to another master in the first place. Then while still looking at the same spot in the chess board, we see Gil's hand pick up the chess piece representing Archer. Then, while holding the Archer piece in his hand, Gil says: Gilgamesh (still smirking): In that case... No, I won't say it. ------------ In short, Gil had already planned to manipulate Kirei into killing Tokiomi and becoming his(Gil's) new Master all the way back in episode 12.