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Saber is OP 😲



The Grail War rules AREN'T created by the Grail; it's a mindless ritual-type magic object essentially, so it can't actually think on its own. The mages doing these boogaloos did, so even if a Servant breaks them, the Grail doesn't actually give a shit, it will still summon said Servant in the next boogaloo if said Servant is most compatible to specific Master's personality, or if said Master uses a said Servant's lore object as a Catalyst

Dead Man Talking

Freshest said all women are Strong and Independent

Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

Of note about them all calling saber "a little girl" is that age-wise, she died at age 35. It's just that the Sword of the Stone (Caliburn, which was later reforged as Avalon, the scabbard of Excalibur, aka the artifact used to summon Saber and that was sealed within Irisviel) made her stop aging. (The only reason she was even able to die was because she had lost Avalon some time prior to her final battle. It wouldn't have been final had she had it as Avalon basically made her immortal.) She took the Sword of the Stone when she was 15 years old, so her body never physically aged beyond that point. However, she was still king for 20 years. She wasn't a "little girl" anymore. Edit: Though yes, they likely were talking about specifically how she was when she started as king. However, how she became over time as king and how she gain this "brilliance" they mention wasn't something she had as a little girl. It was something she gained over time. The Sword of the Stone, Caliburn, is very powerful, but it isn't a Divine Construct like Excalibur(a Divine Construct made by the Fae and which was later given to Arturia by the Lady of the Lake). And not anyone can use Excalibur either. At her beginning as king, Arturia only had her swordsmanship (and the regen from the sword of the stone(an effect kept after its reforging into Avalon).