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Kana is kind of cute and I love with the dark star activates!



That shoujo manga is the same manga in kaguya sama season 2 ep7😂


I gave it now the 3 Episode treatment, which is more like 6 episodes based on duration. I am still not hooked, for me it has nothing to offer. It's not fun, it's not interesting and I think it's just riddled with weird stuff that doesn't make much sense or choices for characters development that aren't good. So for me personally it's somehwere between a 6 or 7 out of 10.

Richie Roberts

The pacing of the 2nd and 3rd episodes in comparison to the 1st wasn't gonna be good to begin with, but where they are choosing to end the episodes is just terrible. After ep 2 I decided to just go ahead and read the manga on mangaplus and the story is a 10/10. So I know the anime has the potential to be even better, but the pacing is letting me down. The adaptation isn't bad, they are doing it really well, but they are ending the episodes in the wrong places. Especially this episode. I don't see why people are giving this series such low scores right now, they clearly aren't watching the same show that everyone else is watching.

Richie Roberts

We are clearly watching different shows then. Maybe this isn't your genre of show, and that's fine.


Funny how insulting people get if someone doesn't feels the same way or agrees with them. Imagine people having different opinions and tastes 🤣

Richie Roberts

Joe, my guy. If you read the subs before you start guessing you will see that the phone he picked up and guessed the passwords on was from before she got pregnant. So it would have nothing to do with the birth of her kids. Sometimes you're too quick to guess things. lol Read, proccess, make theories. lmao Your hyper activity is showing and I can relate. XD


Nino, that's a steaming hot L take. Coping and Monarch, show some respect on Patreon. With the YouTube comments I'll let most anything slide even if its out of pocket (outside of Diana disrespect).

Luke Evans (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-26 23:10:51 Kaguya sama also has that Manga if you remember the shoujo manga brain episode!
2023-04-26 23:10:51 Kaguya sama also has that Manga if you remember the shoujo manga brain episode!
2023-04-26 23:10:51 Kaguya sama also has that Manga if you remember the shoujo manga brain episode!
2023-04-26 19:08:58 Kaguya sama also has that Manga if you remember the shoujo manga brain episode!

Kaguya sama also has that Manga if you remember the shoujo manga brain episode!


You just can't please everyone, and that's fine. Though, I am curious about Nino's hot takes and criticisms... saying "it's not fun" doesn't make sense since the premise of the show is anything but "fun" (I'd be worried if anyone were to consider idol-mom-of-two-gets-stabbed-to-death = fun). The "not interesting" bit I can understand since that's purely subjective. The "riddled with weird stuff" is pretty obvious (the show literally started with reincarnation stuff, so the definition of weird is there). Then that last criticism about "choices for character development aren't good" is pretty premature... we're still 3 episodes in (and no, the first episode's length doesn't matter since that was a mere prologue to the actual story). This kind of storytelling that has mystery and gradual build-up, in mind, would definitely need to show more before we'll see actual pay-off. I'd personally reserve judgement of any show until I fully finish the entire series. I think the only exceptions to this, at least for me, is if the show is objectively bad... as in low-budget animations, VA that isn't even trying, etc (ie. trash seasonal anime that's just there to pad the list). But even then, I'd wait till the series is over before I start dunking on the show.

Richie Roberts

I mean you didn't trash the show or start calling it mid or act toxic about it just because you didn't like it so there is no reason for me to lash out. You didn't like it. My only thing would be to suggest reading the manga and seeing if maybe that might make up for the anime's issues. Because I agree that the pacing of the anime for eps 2 and 3 has been bad. And there is some seriously good shit coming. But if it's the genre overall, then yeah, move on to other things you enjoy.

Richie Roberts

Since this is going to get old. It might help in the beginning of one of the next Oshi No Ko reactions if you start out with saying that you already know that that the mangaka for both of these 2 series are the same and they take place in the same universe so there will be some stuff that will overlap. Otherwise 20 to 30 comments about this thing from Kaguya sama showed up in Oshi No Ko is gonna get spammed in the future every time it happens. Or is that unavoidable at this point?

Richie Roberts

I can see where you are coming from on this, but I think some of the pacing in the anime compared to the manga has been off. That has been my one issue where the anime cuts things off with episode 2 and episode 3 has been pretty frustrating. Other than that the anime has been firing on all cylinders. But yeah, this is a mystery series the build up is meant to be slow and we are only getting 11 episodes. I highly recommend reading the manga for those that want more. But I warn you, it will only make you want to watch the anime even more. The story is just that good, but you need the sounds design and animation production of the anime to really bring it to that next level.


I kept it short because I didn't want to drop a big paragraph bomb here. I think that even if I would elaborate some or most people still wouldn't agree with me. For different reason, because they maybe just like Oshi no ko the way it is or because they simple don't agree with it etc. If someone is interested I could add them in discord or something, so that I don't have to drop a big paragraph here.


I don't mind. I just end up glossing over it. In fact that stuff is good for YouTube,because then everyone wants to tell me a fun fact or correct me on things which means more comments, so more engagements. This leads to more impressions and views and subs 🤷‍♂️


I think I already commented on the 1st episode reaction, but one aspect I was worried about with this show was that they may have peaked after airing the 1st episode due to how crazy the rollercoaster ride was and that they may have set the bar a bit too high for themselves... so the slower pacing for the next few episodes was pretty much expected. The whole abrupt ending thing, though, is a bit of an odd choice by the writers/studio adapting this series. But if I were to make my own hypothesis, I think it has something to do with the ED song.... I noticed in episodes 2 and 3, they managed to keep the transition from the "cliffhanger" endings to the ED song playing super smooth and seamless. I can't exactly remember which anime it was, but there was also an older anime I remembered that kept doing the same thing... abrupt ending to bridge immediately to the ED song. The parts of which they chose to end their episodes are a bit questionable, though. Oh well... after the 2nd episode, I was no longer surprised at how they ended the 3rd episode as well.


im sure it'll be unavoidable. sometimes casual viewers won't connect the easter eggs together so everyone wants to chime in and make sure it's noticed. i'll be honest: i read/watched ALL of kaguya and am current on Oshi no Ko's manga too, but i didn't catch the manga easter egg the first read. It was in discussion boards for the manga chapters that made me realize that Aka brought back the same manga from kaguya


Idk why people be hating on this show, it's so entertaining lmao


After being on so many reaction videos' comments section, I've come to the conclusion that there are only 2 types of people who hated this show: -Those that went in expecting a straight up idol anime and didn't like the whole dark-side of the industry or revenge plot twist. -Those hardcore FMAB fans that got butt hurt their favorite anime got dethroned on MAL and other top anime listing sites.


Imagine butchering the adaptation of a shoujo mango that got a shoujo manga HATER like Ishigami into tears