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Peakland Saga for real!!!



Based on the sword design, he's most probably ex-Varangian Guard, since the saber looking sword is clearly of Byzantine design, and we know that the Roman Emperor of Byzantine employed foreigners as bodyguards, usually of Germanic or Norse stock, because as outsiders they were politically not tied to the local clans whatsoever, and the clans likely wouldn't have trusted outsiders like them either (meaning they can't betray Emperor either, cuz locals wouldn't trust em). Especially since he can read the Bible, which during this time period would have been exclusively written in Latin or Greek, so he either knows Latin or Greek despite not being clergy, which I suppose could be Greek in this instance if the Bible is also from Byzantine Empire itself


Pretty sure thorfin backflipped and blocked the knife white his foot, since we see him kinda going backwards when the sword goes down on him and the way he is in the air and lands. But I’m not entirely sure


I wanna see Thorfinn MURDER


Pacifism is not a prohibition on violence, it’s about not seeking violence out. A pacifist without the strength to defend his ideals and those closest to him is just a coward. Thors and now Thorfinn are true pacifists.