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Clen's VA Megumi Ogata has such a distinct voice that she has to be Loki's VA too (Loki's VA rn is listed as ???), which makes sense since we know Loki a schemer, and Clen literally said the empire is shit, and ppl should be free to do w/e the fuck they feel like. Also it's possible to do that in a month. He just needs to convert a couple more camps to give Mitama enough mojo to spawn shit like tractors etc. Mitama doesn't rly have a limit as to how much shit she can spawn, her Follower count only affects WHAT she can spawn (i.e complexity/size/power), so if she has enough mojo to spawn 1 tractor, she can spawn a hundred etc


Yeah in Ep 2 she had barely enough power to revive Chilchil, but then she got 2 more Followers and was able to get all those Soldiers back no problem. Unless that works differently. But she said that she gained a lot of power from those 2.


Man this Anime is crazy, I personally really like it, it's just dumb fun. And now I am really curious about the Emperor, with the weird stuff he can do, like giving powers and creating these Weapons. I think what is interesting is that Loki apparenlty lured the Girl around for 1 month, before he task her to go to the Camp. Because the Girl was following Loki's command, unless she said "screw what loki says, I go to the camp now." I am confused what Loki's gender is... sounds like a dude but looks like a Girl, I mean he/she has boobs. And yeah, it seems that Clen is Loki. Clen seems really suspicious and sounds pretty much the same. But maybe Loki can just change his gender, because if he/she is Clen he has the physics of a Guy. And I guess what Bertrand meant with "I am their bitch" is probably, because they put her in all these outfits. I wonder why she goes along with it. Especially the last one was pretty crazy. If Betrand sticks around I wonder what other outfits they will make her...


I fill so bad for Bert… my man just gets humiliated over and over

Taylor Moon

I'm happy they decided to make the cgi intentionally bad, really adds a certain layer and complexity the comedy wouldn't have otherwise

Taylor Moon

yeah he clearly had Mitama just conjure those things up


It's prolly slightly different since they WEREN'T DEAD (her quote was something like "dread worse than death", so some type of shadow realm basically), but got the S U C C into her via those hair tentacle thingies, & then she just yeeted em out whatever pocket torture/mindrape dimension they were inside to begin with