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we just got jebaited...



I can understand sweet and spicy. If you’ve ever had a Scallywag from Torchy’s Tacos it’s one the best things they have.


Honestly I find your reactions to the shit that happens in this show funnier than the show. You’re pretty entertaining.


Nah, cant have the kiss yet. Its all tied up in the Judo subplot and theres still alot more manga left to be animated lol *fulfilling my manga reader duties :P * Also obligatory mention that the hug is anime original, so at least we got that lol


And so S2 ends, that was a good ending..... ohhhh how far they have come since that first episode in S1. I really hope there's a S3 because reading the Manga things are going to get crazy - especially the last few chapters out

Giorgi Kvernadze

Fun fact, they still haven't kissed in the manga, it's getting close though. However, they did technically do multiple things couples don't usually do before their first kiss. One of those things in particular, let's say nagatoro got a bit too heated in the moment.


The way things have been going in the manga, Nagatoro will be pregnant with Senpais third kid before we get a confession lol. Mangas been absolutly wild lately lol


I’ve had some sweet and spicy stuff that isn’t bad. I think my main issue was spicy ice cream. I had to think afterwards, but there’s a lot of sweet and spicy stuff I enjoy 😅

UltrA_ Ojisan

she didnt even hug him back, tf.