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A fight to become queen and save the one they love...



i haven't read the manga or novel, but i cannot imagine Euphy becoming a spirit contractor, i feel like that's essentially ending her life and Anis would never allow it, I don't know who would win in a duel Euphy may be stronger but Anis has the dragons power + experience on her side, I think Anis will realize she has the the support of the commoners + her friends (the people who really matter) and she will become queen (eventually) but for now she will continue on with her dream, I think Anis and Euphy will end up traveling as we still need to uncover the power and meaning behind the dragons powers, I think Anis or Euphy becoming Queen/King is still far far off

Cody Maverick

I really need a third option here, because I don't like Option A or B at all. If Anis is queen, she likely loses her dream and tension will remain with the nobles. If Euphie is queen, she loses her humanity, emotions, etc. Damn Al, where are you when we need you!


It just seems more and more like Al's plan was the way to go all along.