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Where is Ep 21? :c


Yeah it literally ATOMIZED Celty, so no shit an indirect glance would sear Lyra's eyes to shit instantly Also as you can see here, this is the reason why Juggernaut doesn't have a core you can destroy to insta-kill it. It's a type of TIMER-based Killer T Cell basically, so it would prolly last max 24h before disintegrating to nothing due to lack of a Core, leaving behind those crystal dust particle thingies by the piles, as its body disintegrates in the end. The reason it functions like this, is because it has no purpose other than to scuttle a Floor when the Dungeon goes into its PANIK mode, so it has to die within X time limit, lest it do what it did a few episodes ago when it attacked all those different monster types, eliminating them like it does w/ anyone & everyone it sees (normally it would wipe out monsters & adventurers, everyone, in the Floor it was spawned to cleanse specifically, but things got fuck wucky this time around thanks to certain assholeboi, so it left its birth Floor instead of dying inside it once it had cleansed it of all lifeforms) In case it wasn't obvious that WAS Rudra himself. He's basically THE most busted Hindu deity, basically one of his most common descriptors is "mightiest of mighty", and Rudra means "who eradicates problems from their roots". Rudra is specifically the HIGHEST instance of Shiva, who is the Destroyer (he's the Hindu god of Destruction & Restoration, to be most specific). Hindu deity system is rly fucking complex, it's like quantum physics vs physics when comparing how that shit works vs most other religions that are far simpler in nature as far as how deities work goes. I mean Bell IS a Level 4, the mfs are just built different, simple as


Yeah Alise was really strong. With her enchantment magic (the fire), she was one of the few characters able to fight above her level, that's why she was able to fight it for a bit despite having a hole in her stomach. Jura and the Rudra familia were not jealous of the Astrea family, they were straight up enemies. Rudra familia was a part of Evilus which are terrorists who killed thousands. Astrea familia was one of the few familias responsible for putting down most of Evilus.


Damn, that was so brutal - we know Astrea all died except Ryu of course but some of the deaths were quick and many just horrible like burning to death by your own fireball, being disarmed, literally when you are an unarmed fighter...

Daniel Gonzalez

So I don't know if Astrea familia killed Omoris dog or what but he didnt need to do those poor girls like that and also for as insane as that first half is the ending is actually kinda wholesome


Damn bro I swear they are like so cute with each other

Daniel Gonzalez

The VAs killed it this episode also always knew Kaguya was a real one she saved Ryuu once then sacrificed herself poor Lyla probably got it the worst though