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Ellie has been through too much.


Richie Roberts

I love that Ellie killed Joel. The guy that played James in this episode is Joel from the games. And by calling her baby girl Joel has accepted Ellie as his daughter figure.

Richie Roberts

I want to start off by saying that the drama is there and this was another great episode. Bella Ramsey did her thing. The drama is there! But this is where the game succeeds and where the show suffers. The show doesn't have enough episodes. The end of this feels too rushed in places where the game feels like it takes it's time more, I'm not even talking about the gameplay stuff. As we get closer to the end I feel more justified in saying that we didn't need to spend 2 episodes in KC. The Henry stuff could have been wrapped up in 1 episode instead of 2. They just made it 2 so they could introduce a new character that wasn't in the original story. And because of this, it feels like the ending gets rushed. In the game while they are waiting for James to get back with the medicine there is a part where Ellie and David have to survive from an infected attack and it shows that there is a more infected presence and that David can handle himself and makes us trust David for a little bit before his starts giving his speech. I think they should have kept that in. Another thing I've been seeing from people who watch the show but know nothing about the game is they think that the infection is under control. Or that humanity knows how to deal with it. Nope. That's not true at all, and it's mostly because of how much of the infected sections are skipped over because of the limited amount episodes they were given. HBO has a banger here for sure, but looking at the series as a whole now I'm left with the feeling of this is good, but it could be better if they had more faith in the project and had been willing to invest more money into it. But video game adaptations are a risk, and very few have truly done well. Honestly, I think this series needed 12 episodes instead of 9. If they wanted to tell their KC story cool, but this way they have room to tell more drawn out narratives in the end too.