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fire episode... ridiculous title.



An apocalypse in the truest sense of the word. When most of us think of an apocalyptic event, I imagine we picture a rather quick event; an asteroid impact, a tsunami 100s of feet high, but this is a slow creeping end. Something you can see coming long before it gets there but can do nothing to escape.


Obligatory THAT GIRL IS ON FIRE meme🔥 rip Hange


The question about the Ackermans is probably because they're not full-blood. Pretty sure Mikasa's mother is an Ackerman while her father is an Eldian.


Why do you think she was the long lost royalty of the Oriental Clan


Ackermans is technically Eldian but the King made them immune to the Founder Titan so that they won’t be affected by the Founding Titan’s ability and scream

Regie Khemvisay

You need to watch promised neverland! If u loved AOT

Kazuki Ohira

51:24 Mass genocide of the world would do that.