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got me crying and shit...



Never did read the manga but just based on the flashback episode, I could imagine that they'd revisit what really happened that night and what caused her dad to leave with her brother in season 2. As you mentioned, that ominous figure that the dad saw almost definitely had something to do with them leaving. At least that's the theory I believe in anyway.

w/smallscreen Computer

38:33 I think what Chise's mum first said to Chise means giving birth to Chise is bad for the mum herself, but the second time the mum said the same thing means that giving birth to Chise is bad for Chise since Chise has to endure what comes after as a Sleigh Beggy.


More background and darkness


Elias has to sleep on his stomach, he’s got a wolf skull and horns. That’s probably his most comfortable position.

Death2boredom (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-26 11:12:21 I'd rather it just be as simple as him doing what he thought would be best for his son. It's messed up and I don't agree with it, but I can see someone believing that not being around Chise is the best option when they have don't have the knowledge to protect themselves. It's a shame that it seemed like her parent's solution to their powers was to just keep it hidden and grit & bare it. With all of the spirituality in Japan I have to imagine that there would have been some avenue for them especially since Chise on her own found a way, granted we don't know the full details on how she did. I guess it's a statement on shame and fear of rejection. It's just unfortunate that those two things can push someone to shun and separate from another person in a similar situation.
2023-04-19 02:20:09 I'd rather it just be as simple as him doing what he thought would be best for his son. It's messed up and I don't agree with it, but I can see someone believing that not being around Chise is the best option when they have don't have the knowledge to protect themselves. It's a shame that it seemed like her parent's solution to their powers was to just keep it hidden and grit & bare it. With all of the spirituality in Japan I have to imagine that there would have been some avenue for them especially since Chise on her own found a way, granted we don't know the full details on how she did. I guess it's a statement on shame and fear of rejection. It's just unfortunate that those two things can push someone to shun and separate from another person in a similar situation.

I'd rather it just be as simple as him doing what he thought would be best for his son. It's messed up and I don't agree with it, but I can see someone believing that not being around Chise is the best option when they have don't have the knowledge to protect themselves. It's a shame that it seemed like her parent's solution to their powers was to just keep it hidden and grit & bare it. With all of the spirituality in Japan I have to imagine that there would have been some avenue for them especially since Chise on her own found a way, granted we don't know the full details on how she did. I guess it's a statement on shame and fear of rejection. It's just unfortunate that those two things can push someone to shun and separate from another person in a similar situation.

Kazuki Ohira

Hey man, Elias knows his priorities. Deadass, as much as I like Stella as a character, I respect it. There were two choices at the moment and Elias chose what was most important to him. I would probably do the same, no cap

Rick James

Searching for that sort of avenue is how you get into weird religious/sex cults. Chise did not in fact, find a way on her own. She ended up selling herself and got extremely lucky that she just happened to have been bought by Elias. It could've turned out way worse

Rick James

Not really, Elias could've chosen anyone else, including killing the dragon that cursed her to begin with. His choice to sacrifice Stella wasn't a choice based on what was most important to him, it was clearly a selfish choice that he wanted to get rid of Stella due to his jealousy and used Chise's circumstances as an excuse to do so.

Rick James

They do make it seem like the dad either got fed up after seeing yet another "neighbor" or otherwise he left because of something to do with that specific fae that he saw through the window. Still, he should've known that leaving the mom and Chise alone for an extended period without saying a single thing would eventually lead to their doom, given their circumstances. It's really hard to justify his action as one that was done to protect his family. Also, he signed up for this life by choosing to be with the mom and also having Chise after that (and even another kid after that). It's not like he didn't know what he was getting into. I say he's guilty no matter what. Also, I'm not sure why the "devil" that whispered in the mom's ear right before she tried to choke Chise was someone with the hair that looked exactly like Chise? Stella got possessed from the time at the end of the arc where her brother got kidnapped by Ashen Eyes. We saw at the end that she got pricked in the neck or something when they passed by