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dude, this is actually amazing...


Alex Sah

They have made some minor changes in the show that wasn't in the game but they're not so big that they'll affect the story in anyway. All the major events are pretty much the same, not that it matters to you considering you haven't gotten very far in the game but I thought you might want to know anyway.


The games is pretty trash(except the 1st one) but the show is great so far.

Richie Roberts

Riley ain't a random name. You'd know if you played through the game. Shit! You've gone ahead made me rhyme. Now look what you've made me do, you slime!

Richie Roberts

Keeping it spoiler free and general. Basic info about the community response and nothing about the actual game(s). The 2nd game's story is controversial. A lot of people didn't like it. I thought the problem was that it was told out of order and that there was an issue with certain people acting out of character in moments to make narrative events happen. But despite all the bs with part 2. It was the story and 1 character that ppl complained about. Gameplay, graphics, combat, enemy ai, sound design, everything you loved about the first game that was 10/10 got dialed to 11.

Richie Roberts

Oh the person playing Marlene in the show is also the same person who plays her in the game.