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probably the 2 weakest episodes so far, but I'm intrigued by Tiana's teacher...


Cedric Worthy

Glasses broke or contacts lmao?


I am not one who cares for animation so that does not bother me, what bothers me is that that duel was so fucking stupid, i feel like my brain melted and i didn't get shit at what was happening, im continuing this cause ive heard from the ln readers that this is a good series, but this one and the last one is kinda whack, hoping it picks up next episode.


the duel was inherently a pretty dumb concept. 2 people fight while 1 person from each respective party does math. Curran was worse at math so they banked on her failing and the beast man getting the free hit. Our party made that wager to do them all at once to find who helped them cheat.