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Canute is a baaaad man


Galado Isma

Seeing Canute’s development from season 1 to now this current episode is just incredible ! Favourite episode of the season by far


I actually realized this after watching this episode again, but I think I know how canute killed them, with the help of some traitors, through a classified "illness". The clues to my theory are the highlighted scenes where canute proposes to the Lord of Mercia to kill his king and when the series tells us how the king and his son both died of a "illness". In both scene's we can see a "silver" looking cup, yeah i know could be poison right? But the thing is that they didnt announced that the cause of there death was due to poison. That fact makes me believe that the real reason is the cup itself, in roman times many aristocrats died to the fact that they drank out of a "lead" cup repetitious because lead is is actually very toxic combined with corrosive alcohol. So I believe that Canute managed to let them die by a "illness", because the English did not know how their kings actually died, just by drinking from said lead cup itself. That whole "lead" cup stuff also gets highlighted in Assassins Creed Valhalla and the series Vikings.