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Knight's and Magic Ep. 5-6 Reaction [FULL]

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glad your enjoying the anime, like i thought you might of

Paragon Goetia

Im still not sold on the show, I do know that this one show started the more Reincarnated as a Slime type of world building of Isekai from what I can remember, but still. I do enjoy some of the mech designs and the fact the CGI is pretty good, I guess its having the same effect reincarnated as a sword is having on me.


Wasnt mushoku tensei what started the whole isekai craze


Kid and Addy in a very "Franxx" piloting position


I assume he means the type of world building in Slime, not isekai as a whole but specifically how the world building aspect is handled. Also I don't believe that Mushoku Tensei "started" isekai it was just the first to establish many of the tropes that all the isekai we see use. Or at least that's how its been explained to me.

Paragon Goetia

Joe Im making you a favor, unless you want to get a full comment section of inuendos I would treat it like the plague. Besides the fact I think watching Gurren Lagann before it would be the way to go.

Paragon Goetia

From what I can recall, it most likely didnt but from the ones I saw, it is the one that reminds me the most to some newer isekai.


No mushoku is only from 2012 a lot of isekai are older Knight's and Magic is from 2010 a litle older

Salinda Bandara

The Car Wing and the small engines that was attached to Silhouette Knight that Ernie crashed was actually Jet Engines!

Jacob R

I really like the centaur silhouette knight. It will probably be crazy since it seems like there is no such thing as cavalry for silhouette knights and cavalry is a big thing in primarily melee fights. It also addresses one of the reasons I don't prefer mechs with just arms holding weapons. They all tend to look similar. I get that its very practical to have arms that can hold different weapons. But if you swap that arm with just a sword or just a gun it allows for a lot more diversity in designs, and I just think that is cooler. I hope there are more designs like this in the show that really stand out.

Mychael Dark

It's more in relation to the Moshoku LN series, which is one of the earliest, widely accepted and acclaimed Isekai Novel series. Never understood the whole craze for the series anyways. Didn't like it myself personally.