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In the past few days I've noticed a couple comments about series unrelated to a post. Please do not comment about unrelated series on a video post. Keep those comments strictly on update, recommendation, and schedule posts. You can even just DM me. I specifically ask for it to be this way so we don't have comments detracting from the series that the post is intended for. I just want everyone to have the best Patron experience I can provide ๐Ÿ’–. (I know I'll likely be banning people once I start One Piece for this exact thing ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚). I'm not banning anyone or holding this against then for doing this right now, so no need to worry about that. Let's just try to keep things organized. I appreciate everyone's support!

Example of what I mean: if I post a new reaction video for Golden Kamuy on Monday, do not comment on the post asking if I'll react to Bleach. It is an unrelated series. Instead you can DM me about that or find the "Fall 2022 Schedule" post and ask about it there or even ask about a series on this post itself, since again, it is an update post ๐Ÿ‘



Sad that this has to be said. I've seen way too many comments, even on other reactors, that post "when will you react to X Y Z?" on almost each video posted.


It usually doesnโ€™t happen in here because I added it to the rules when joining and everyone is pretty cool about it. I understand excitement can cause mistakes. I just wanted to make it know again to everyone. Iโ€™m sure it happens a lot in other Patreons. I stay on top of mine pretty well. As far as moderation and checking in with the community, Patreon is my number 1 priority, more than YouTube even.

John M

This is a great reminder and rule to have in place. It seems like these types of posts have been getting worse on other Patreon channels I follow. They can get out of hand way too quickly and devolve into flat out arguments that suck the enjoyment out of the content in the first place.