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Black Summoner Ep. 3-4 Reaction [FULL]

Watch "Black Summoner Ep. 3-4 Reaction [FULL]" on Streamable.



its always interspecies slavery as well, its never human buying human slaves or other species buying their own kind i've noticed. like they all know slavery is wrong but fantasized its ok to enslave another specie. still extremely weird but i understand buying to free but whats to stop another slave trader to have them captured again, so the buyer would have to say shes free but still owned so cant be recaptured and sold again

chibears .

pretty sure when we first saw the elf there were two other slaves as well and they were human


probably were, though i was saying in general its usually human not buying human slaves, usually always human buying interspecie, though not saying off camera they also dont buy human slaves. its probably off camera when that occurs by a random sleezy person with alterior motives


suprisingly you didnt noticed the animation mistake on Episode 4 (about 35:06 in this reaction video) they misplaced the character of the priest so in this scene the character is floating without legs haha

Aaron Bredon

Efil has archery and Red (fire) Magic, and when Kelvin lifted the Curse it turned into a Blessing that boosts Red Magic. This is mentioned when she fires the Blast Arrow. There are some hints that Efil may be involved with Kelvin not being able to get a room with 2 beds.


The earpiece is so jarring... I can understand if it gives stats, but I'd rather get an earring or go bare. Hell anytime I'm playing an RPG it's fashion>stats. Those two bodyguards understand me LOL As for the slave issue, I don't see a huge problem with purchasing slaves if it's already a system that's been in place. Whether or not you purchase them someone else will and that's the main dilemma as not everyone is good-natured. Nothing you can do to help the situation but bring in as many as you can under your wing. Whether it's morally right to leave the slave alone or save them by purchasing them I don't know the answer. There's also the option of killing the slave trader and freeing them but that's another moral issue lol.


Well the bigger issue is the isekai trope of desiring a slave girl. That's the really weird thing. Beyond that, it's weird that they acquire a slave and make the conscious decision not to free them. They'll treat them humanely and fair but it's like they don't give a shit about their freedom while the male protagonist character is free to do whatever they want. To your point, the morality in the scenarios you presented is valid and being thrown into a totally different world where a slavery system is in place is much different from being in a world where its not supported and desiring to own a slave.

Coping McCoperson

I 100% agree, the whole "I got isekai'd so now i need to buy a slave" bit is getting tiresome, still enjoying this show though


I feel bad for all the slightly chubby dudes stuck in those cages that never gets picked by these isekai protags. I want an isekai where "Steve" get bought, and it is the start of an awesome bromance. Seriously tho, I am really tired of the whole slave thing too and I am glad you mentioned how much of a fucking weird trope it is.


You know what, I'm willing to have the trope appear again with the spin of the badass Chad MC saving the slightly cowardly, but really just in need of someone that believes in him, encourages him and gets him, Steve 😂😂

vardic d

At around 14:30 when you were asking where are her skill points, how does he see her skill points, the answer is he doesn't. He can't actually see her skill point totals, but he can see she doesn't have any learned skills, which means she hasn't spent any skill points on skills. It's an inference thing, not a demonstrated thing.


WTF is this anime doing, trying to be PG-13 by altering shit from the LN??? In LN Kelvin clapped the 3 brainlets to death, and had Clotho CONSOOM their bodies to gain w/e Also in regards to slaves, since this world's legal system considers Slavery legit, what is a Japanese person supposed to do? Shouganai (lit. "It can't be helped", culturally used to excuse why X thing hasn't been maintained for months/years by saying "it's ALWAYS been like that, nobody has maintained it for the decades I've been alive" via an old dude who's like in his 90's or w/e have you. Also often used by senior workers in companies towards junior ones, when bosses are doing Black Company shit) and all that. It wouldn't do for a Japanese citizen to break laws, because of cultural reasons and all that (i.e Collectivistic society)

Mychael Dark

Why free them? Since magic is involved them being a slave means you don't have to worry about them betraying you. I'd say it's a win.


Keep in mind that while someone is a slave they can't assign Skill Points without the masters permission.


The slave thing makes sense here since a slave wouldn't be able to betray him so they wouldn't be able to tell anyone he's a summoner. I'd put this 1 more in the Shield Hero category rather than the Harem in a Labarynth category.


Took me longer than I life to admit, that her name is Life spelled backwards.