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Bodyguards and an artificial heart.


Lycoris Recoil Ep. 5 Reaction [FULL]

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Boss should just tell everything to Chisato now cuz him not saying anything is costing Lycos their lives

w/smallscreen Computer

It's like the bullets from John Wick. The bullets go through vehicles but not armored clothing. Also, Yoshi (the blonde mastermind) is likely the one behind "Mr. Matsushita" based on the badge on the suit in the goggles scene. Jin's client seems to be Yoshi's driver from episode 1 as well.


Interesting parallels between the DA and the Alan Institute. Here's my understanding of the world-building so far in the last 5 episodes: - The DA, as we've learned from episode 3, take in orphans when they're still super young and train them to become Lycoris, basically some sort of secret police, maintaining order in the shadows. - The Alan Institute, on the surface, looks like they're helping similar children and even some in worse case than the DA ever could handle (probably children who have some lifetime crippling deficiencies or maybe terminally ill children). We don't have the backstory yet of why Chisato needed an artificial heart but I would guess it was something life-threatening or terminal. But the true goal seems to be creating the ultimate killing machine. And it looks like Mika knows the truth but wants Chisato to decide for herself. There have been several mentions of it already in the previous episodes so I wouldn't be surprised if that Shinji guy, the person who Chisato seems to be looking for but couldn't remember, is probably behind this all within the Alan Institute. Whether or not he's running the entire institute or he's just a higher-up who's gone rogue remains to be seen.


No, as said by Yoshi "Genius is a gift from the gods, and it must be delivered unto the world" seems to be at least his faction's (I assume Alan Institute has factions, as all high-tier orgs tend to do internally) almost cult-y view on things. So it doesn't matter whether Genius is "good" or "evil", they must be rendered aid so they can be unleashed unto the world. So yeah Chisato was likely chosen for her dodging skills to become some murderhobo type character, but there's plenty of "good" Genius who weren't meant for this type of direction, so they don't, they do w/e the gods designed their Genius to be used for. Seems like pretty Neutral to me, if you don't give a fuck about good or evil, only that Genius is ensured that it reaches the world, no matter what form it may take, even if highly destructive (i.e potentially country-destroying)


I agree with most of what you're saying, though I don't think the "gods" bit was literal. The way the show is setting things up, it looks like it's really up to Chisato how she uses her gifts/talents. If I were to guess, during the radio tower incident, it's possible Chisato went on a killing rampage to stop the terrorists, but maybe something happened that snapped her out of it and then she swore to never kill again. But the way things are going, it looks like Shinji wants her to become that killing machine in the past again. But who knows? This is what I love about anime original shows... we can all speculate and theorize together without having to be spoiled by a manga or LN.