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Myne turns up and has to make a decision.


Ascendance of a Bookworm Ep. 35 Reaction [FULL]

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I think the High Priest is a noble but not a true noble. Ferdinand had explained that nobles aren't considered real nobles unless they've graduated from the noble's academy. I don't think the High Priest ever did that. He seems weak AF too, so I doubt he would have been able to go there in the first place. That's my opinion at least.


Disappointed in the lack of information in comparison to the novel, but eh I it's better that then no s3


Feel like the anime probably has suffered from the lack of manga to draw storyboards from, unlike S1 and early S2. Thus leading to awkward scenes like Otto just standing around, and Gunther being able to catch up with the kidnappers before Damuel who had a significant head start.


I believe they put all their effort in the next one,the goodbye scence in the trailer is quite good.


Not sure what that has to do with anything I said. I'm up to date with prepubs and have read the MTL of the Web Novel.

vardic d

No! that ending!!

Roberto Gutierrez Gonzalez

All blue priests have noble blood put for a noble to be recognize as a noble their some requierements first when a noblewoman is pregnant she doesnt announce it to the world until child is confirmed to have suffcient mana that befits their status that begin laynoble , mednoble or arcnoble if they dont they either get killed or more commonly discarded to temple also once a noble child reach 10 years old they have to attend to Royal Academy were they must graduated if they failed their magic gets sealed and are discarded as well so to be a noble you must be a Royal Academy graduated or you dont count as a noble


Can't wait for you to start reading the LNs. As much as I love the anime, the LNs are better in every way.


Next episode is the last one :(

Sven Hegenbart

What kind of Harry Potter duel was this ^^ super shitty that as high nobel you can went away with so much shit without problem


Oh I got what you are saying. I don't think the anime is copying the manga, the manga hasn't reach episode 5 yet, they just didn't try to make it good.

Kot Bajun

Shoot out? 0_o Not a duel? ... c o m e on 😕 I'll def be disappointed if it'll remain represented in this way, etc. But I guess based on Gunther's injuries they'll keep animating this sequence quite superficially.


Wonderful. So exciting :) The level of violence was massively toned-down for the anime. Gunther rescued Myne by spearing a kidnapper through the face from behind. Gunther's arm injury was supposed to be a massive burn that left his arm a lump of charcoal. Damuel was supposed to be broken, bloody, unconscious and barely alive (he had to be dragged behind Myne's shield by fran.


Bruh… these episodes feel shorter and shorter 😭