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The battle ends and then Zero meets an old friend by accident before receiving some bad news.


Code Geass Ep. 11-12 Reaction [FULL]

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Rick James

When C.C was talking about the snow being white because it has lost its colors, it was like an analogy of herself. Lelouch figured that out later and commented back. Lelouch's contradiction in regards to saving the helpless while destroying the town is a good point. It really highlights that he is saving the helpless because it helps his goal of being more famous and gaining the people's support rather than because he truly just wants to save people. Obviously his opposition is none the better

Sven Hegenbart

FUn Fact you will never know her real name in span of 2 seasons xD Plutocrats are people who came into power because they are rich.


Shirley's was carrying around lelouch's picture in her ID holder and it fell out.

wesley o southall

Ah your watching the version that doesn't have the Pizza Hut name and logos on the pizza boxes..