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Shit is getting real. It's coming soon and it's gonna be messed up... and I don't think I'm ready.


(No title)



Kyubey and Incubator is definitely a word game Magical Girls (魔法少女) and Witches (魔女) is a word game too. That's the short form in kanji letters.

Sven Hegenbart

another time of "watch this next two episodes madoka gonna turn" ^^ Sayakas fall into despair was well done. Credit for the friend for telling beforehand she was gonna confess her love but that was that broke Sayaka for good. Kuybei end line how all Magical Girl are just young witches gets me every time. Ep 9 will have a special ED Song


I don't understand japanese, but Magical Girls would be Mahou Shoujo and Witch would be Majo. Even without knowing the kanji, you notice the similarity :D They removed the kanji for hou shou (I don't even know if they by themself are those two or not, i am more or less rust rambling on right now...)

/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\.

in ep 3 it was mentioned that witches' were born when a grief seed hatches. In that sense "incubator" make sense


Yes you can also read the similarilty from the Romaji as it is a direct translate, I just think it's kind of indirect when it comes to normal eng sub :D


Woah, yeah that Wonder Egg priority comment is spot on. Anyway, where familiars come from is unimportant, there will be a hint in the future episodes so you will probably figure it out. If you still don't by the end of the series ask again.


I feel like it has something to do with the wish, not sure. I wish wonder Egg was fully fleshed out. Such a disappointing end


You mentioned a while ago that you were going to take a look at the ED...?