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The party expands only to be found in trouble an episode later. Now Hestia is leading a rescue mission to recover the only family she's got!


(No title)


vardic d

A little context from the novels, I don't think is a spoiler, if you want to read it. Elves do not touch others, or allow others to touch them, unless they consider them family or lovers. If you pay attention In the bar scene Ryu trapped the dude's hand in the mug handle to hurt him. She wouldn't allow him to touch her, even to hurt him. This gives a bit of context for the episode when Bell 'lost' his knife and he ends up grabbing Ryu's hand while she was holding the knife. You can see Syr freak out at that moment, because she knows what that means, but as a viewer you don't because the anime doesn't explain that facet of Elven life. Half-elves are not as strict in following this.


Well shit. That's super interesting. I was thinking Syr was lowkey jelly in that scene, but didn't understand that as she didn't really seem the type so far.


So when they come up with titles for the adventurers, the gods try to come up with really embarrassing ones. Only the gods with a lot of influence like the Loki familia can get their members with cool names like Sword Princess. Hestia basically has no influence in the city since she is new with a one person familia, so she was very nervous Bell would get a stupid name. Little Rookie was actually a pretty safe one compared to some of the other people. Burning Fighting Fighter was a legitimate possibility as a title. Argonaut is basically a charged attack which can be applied to a single target (hand, weapon, magic, etc). The longer you charge, the stronger it gets. It comes with massive recoil though so he cannot spam it or anything and can be risky to use when exhausted.

Hentai Man

One of the things that got me so hooked on wanting to read the source material is exactly what you mention about how theres so much interesting stuff you wanna know. Its such an interesting world, especially the more the world gets fleshed out

vardic d

I thought you'd appreciate the extra context there, gives these scenes more impact. My personal theory is that Ryu and Syr are friends, and close enough friends for Ryu to consider Syr family, and since Syr has feelings for Bell, Ryu has included Bell in her Ryu-Syr-Bell family. I don't think Ryu is romantically interested in Bell, but I don't know for sure. Even in the books, Ryu's opinion/feelings toward Bell haven't been defined yet, so I don't have inside knowledge here, just guess work.


"I don't like watching the intros because they spoil to much" "why is that intro part to fast I can't see what famila he's from" Joe has grown so much in such a short time. Haha but yea if I'm not mistaken the intros due get better with the later season but I think think any of them are S ranked but a solid B or a good A rank. I do love how this series literally adds more questions then answers and goes so deep with its story but yea if you ever wanted to add to your light novel reading you can add this to your list there's alot of good details that gets jumped... but I'm saying that to the guy who just got 3 big boxes of ln and Manga haha


Interesting info on the nicknames and the Argonaut skill. Sucks that the gods just hand out wack names though lol


3? I just opened like 9 boxes recently lol. Maybe one day it will join the collection. Just so much to read honestly


Sorry I didn't actually watch the stream I think I poked my head in for a sec but I was at work but I remember at less 3 box's haha but 9!!! My dude!!! You need to calm down. Haha

David Storey

My favorite show you are currently reacting to! Keep it coming! Also, with regards to his title, the god/goddess don't get to choose their own members titles. That "honor" is left up to the many, many other gods/goddess' . This generally devolves into the others trying to give really shitty titles to adventurers who aren't in their own familia. So, getting "little rookie" is actually a gift. Sometimes people can get super dumb names like Bell was shouting like "Fire Blizzard" or "Fire Fighting Fighter". Actually awesome titles are earned through an adventurers own merit and standing in the city. Like, Ais' "Sword Princess."


"Yo [leg] is like my bank account, broke" - Joe Freshest, 2022


Yeah, basically this isn't just her bating the shit out of your non-Elf ass; if OTHER ELVES see this, ALL Elves in the vicinity will kick your shit in via the pileup boogaloo, leaving you at death's door basically, or half-dead at best. Elves are basically mega racists (like not as bad as nazi, but they literally see every race other than Elves as literally sub-human (exceptions being Spirits, and of course Gods, since their racist supremacy is based on perception of purity, since Elves are the closest in purity to Spirits, which are the next best thing to Gods as far as spiritual purity/refinement goes, and before the gods decided to game up this shit, you'd only rarely if ever meet a Spirit, never any deity, so historically speaking Spirits have an even more hyped up role than gods do per se), so you can imagine how triggered they would be if a sub-human filth touches your pure ass like that)

Richie Roberts

Went to the YouTube for the algorithm, but Imma watch it here.