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Myne get's her retainers in check and takes a new role in the church...


Ascendance of a Bookworm Ep. 17-18 Reaction [FULL]

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Honestly, Gil did not make a good impression that's on him lmao but glad he got around. Did not like the Head Priest answer when he stated that they don't recognize the unbaptized kid as people and more like property. Probably not his honest opinion but still made me feel disgusted and the fact that all the noble priests there with their retainer smirked at Myne's reaction. Their system in handling food is so messed up but I guess that's all they could think to sustain the church so can't fault the Head Priest there. Probably would have been better to just let them in the wild and let them fend for themselves but at the end of the day they lose out on profitability by doing that. Also, I believe you are correct about the first scene being in that hidden room (not really spoilery) I hope Myne brings some Asian cuisine out in the future that will be fascinating, hell bring out a burger I need one of those right now.


I had a burger 2 days ago and it was regrettably average. Hopefully the next burger i buy is better. I think the Head Priest is a good guy that just talked like that because he has to for the sake of "politics" ... Its like working a job, you got to say the right things in front of people even if you know they're the reason shit is harder for you. Always interested in more Myne creations

Untolddead Writing Webnovels

Honestly the scene in the orphanage was a bit watered down. The stench of death and feces was so strong when they open the gate that it basically knocks myne out the moment it's opened. It's not that they are all girls either it's just that they aren't being taken care of so everyone has long hair. They are basically locked in there to die and be forgotten. Also the grey robe (ugly) priestesses were killed off.


Yeah I misunderstood what they said, I thought it was saying the grey robe priestesses were sharing that room with the orphans.


Did i just heard Maine say "Pika-pika"? and with close to Pikachu's voice? i guess i missed that the first few times lol